=> Try VSCODE extension here <=
npm install -g css-to-stylus-converter
const cssToStylus = require('css-to-stylus-converter');
unprefix: boolean,
indent: number,
keepColons: boolean,
cssSyntax: boolean,
separateRules: boolean,
removeComments: boolean,
colorVariables: boolean,
colorPrefix: string
const stylusResult = cssToStylus(cssContent, converterOptions);
Usage: css-to-stylus [options] <file ...>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-u, --unprefix remove vendor prefixes
-i, --indent [n] set indentation (number|tab)
-c, --css-syntax keep css syntax
-l, --keep-colons keep colons
-s, --separate-rules add new line before next rule
-r, --remove-comments remove comments
-o, --color-variables create color variables at top of file
-p, --color-prefix [prefix] color variables prefix
-d, --output-dir [dir] output dir
-v, --verbose show information
# Generate file1.styl & file2.styl in current folder
css-to-stylus [options] file1.css file2.css
# Generate file.styl in current folder from style.css
cat style.css | css-to-stylus [options] >> file.styl
# Generate random name file in dir folder
cat style.css | css-to-stylus -d dir