- Create sitemap.xml or sitemap.xml.gz
- Update sitemap.xml or sitemap.xml.gz
- Update robots.txt
$sitemap = new SitemapGenerator\Sitemap;
* array['EnableGZip'] boolean
* array['UpdateRobots.txt'] boolean
* array['RobotsDir'] string
* array['SitemapDir'] string
* array['SpecifyWebsiteURL'] string
$options = array(
'EnableGZip' => false, // Optional: default = false. Allows to enable GZip compressing of a sitemap.xml
'UpdateRobots.txt' => true, // Optional: default = false. Allows to enable an updating robots.txt after sitemap generation
'RobotsDir' => '/', // Optional: default = '/' (root dir). You could specify your path to robots.txt manually
'SitemapDir' => '/sitemap/', // Optional: default = '/' (root dir). You could specify your path to sitemap.xml manually
'SpecifyWebsiteURL' => 'http://custom-url.com/' // Optional: default = your website URL. You could specify your website's url manually
$sitemap = new SitemapGenerator\Sitemap($options);