Releases: KorAP/Kustvakt
This release introduce major changes in user group database structures and functions. The tables have been simplified as described in the picture below (see issue #763):
Database changes
This release includes major changes in the database. Databases from previous versions must be repaired once using "flyway repair". Please download flyway for command line and copy the src/main/resources/db to the root folder. Run the following command:
$ ./flyway repair -url=jdbc:sqlite:../data/db.sqlite -locations=filesystem:../db/sqlite,filesystem:../db/predefined
Some authorization scope are deprecated and must be removed from the oauth_access_scope tables:
delete from oauth2_access_scope where id="EDIT_VC";
delete from oauth2_access_scope where id="EDIT_USER_GROUP_MEMBER_ROLE";
What's changed
privilege and query_access tables have been removed.
user_group, user_group_member, and role tables have been modified.
Member invitation and subscription mechanisms have been removed.
Soft delete group and group members have been removed.
Authorization scope EDIT_VC has been removed and replaced with CREATE_VC.
User group services have been updated.
Deprecated services (will be removed completely in the upcoming API v1.1)
- member invitation
- add member roles
- subscribe to group
- unsubscribe from group
New services
- add admin role for a group-member
- delete vc access (roles) from user-group
- admin web service: retrieve hidden group
Other changes
- Introduce filter_by and deprecate authorized_only in OAuth2 client list (#579)
- Added not-timeExceeded to the totalResult constraints.
- Removed
and restrictregistration_date
properties to admin/owner only. - Added config for total result cache
- Set default port to 8089
Bug Fix
- Removed admin & owner restriction on client info access.
- Disallow scope all for non super clients.
- Fixed administrative user group retrieval to return groups with empty members.
- Fixed total result cache key hashcode
Full Changelog: v0.74-release...v0.75-release
What's changed
- Remove corpusQuery param in the statistics web-service (close #758).
- Unified ResourceFilters and SearchResourceFilters (deprecated SearchResourceFilters.)
- Config change CC RE from CC-BY.* to CC.* to includes more liberal CC variants
- Setup log4j using system property.
- Logging to file instead of standard out
- Introduce Krill updates and bug fixes including
- Inline markers updates
- Refactor snippet generation
Bug Fix
- Fixed supported versions in the configs
Full Changelog: v0.73.2-release...v0.74-release
Kustvakt v0.73.2
Introduce support for the DNB instance including custom max match and context size (#745).
What's changed
- Added deprecation warning for the old matchInfo service
- Updated Plugin and OAuth2client info. Some info including registration info are now restricted to the owner and admins.
Bug Fix
Fixes error due to empty named-vc.
Fixes in Krill (
Full Changelog: v0.73.1-release...v0.73.2-release
Kustvakt v0.73.1
New Feature
- Automatically update VC cache by replacing a VC gzip file in a named-vc folder.
- OpenAPI documentation
What's changed
For Docker support, the following input files and folders can be placed in the data folder (see issue #598 )
- kustvakt.conf (kustvakt configuration file)
- (database configuration file)
- named-vc folder (containing system VC to be cached)
The following outputs are generated in the data folder:
- super_client_info (see
- adminToken
- db.sqlite (database file)
- vc-cache
- logs
Full Changelog: v0.73-release...v0.73.1-release
Kustvakt version 0.73
What's changed
- Group id has been changed to de.ids-mannheim.korap.kustvakt
- Artifact id has been changed to Kustvakt
- full folder has been removed
Important notes
- Krill and Koral group ids have also been changed to de.ids-mannheim.korap.krill and de.ids-mannheim.korap.koral respectively
Full Changelog: v0.72-release...v0.73-release
Kustvakt version 0.72
New Features
- Migrates to Java 17, Jersey 3, Spring 6, Hibernate 6
- Migrates to Jakarta EE
- Removes Apache Oltu
Full Changelog: v0.71.1-release...v0.72-release
Kustvakt version 0.71.1
Introducing CQP query language support and faster searching by means of total result cache.
New features
- CQP query language support
- Total result cache enabling faster retrieval of the next result pages
What's Changed
- The test suite now uses Junit 5
- Kustvakt now uses multiple DB connections
- Fixed bugs including missing project version in the info web-service
- Clean up outdated codes
Full Changelog: v0.71-release...v0.71.1-release
Kustvakt version 0.71
Merging Kustvakt core and lite into full.
New features
- Kustvakt lite jar can now be packaged from full with
mvn package -P lite
- Introducing data folder as the input and output file location, e.g. config files, database file
- Introducing maximum number of persistent user queries and virtual corpora
- Search web-service has new query param:
What's Changed
- Added errors for missing redirect URI in token requests
- Virtual corpus tests have been updated and organized into several files
Full Changelog: v0.70-release...v0.71-release
Kustvakt version 0.70
Introducing new corpus access scenario for International Comparable Corpus (ICC) permitting only logged-in users access to the whole corpus.
New features
- Configurable resource filters for search and match info
- User info web-service
- Match info API can now show tokens.
- New admin web-service to load and cache system vc
What's Changed
- Logins are logged for users without idsC2Profile login.
- LDAP auth provider and token API in the auth filter have been disabled.
- Option --spring-config now expects an external file
- Usernames are now stored in database instead of emails
- Owner VC list API has been deprecated.
- VC list API has been updated and now there is filtering by system or owned.
- Service URLs of admin web-services have been moved.
- Updated client info API (replaced user authorization requirement with super
client authentication) - Made scope param required in authorization request (solved #508)
- Allowed OAuth2 clients to use localhost as redirect URIs.
- Allow admin access using admin token for the clean token API
- Use admin filter instead of OAuth2 ADMIN scope
- Moved user-group retrieval API to UserGroupAdminController
- Disallows API token (JWT) web-service
Bug fixes
- Fixed scope check in OAuth2 token request with refresh token
- Fixed content-type in error responses by changing it to application/json
- Fixed Slf4J binding
- Exclude junit5 dependencies to keep test runner in Eclipse using JUnit 4
- Fixed testing refresh token expiry.
Full Changelog: v0.69-release...v0.70-release
Kustvakt version 0.69
New features
- This release migrates Kustvakt to Java 11 and Jersey 2
- There is now a network endpoint for searching
What's Changed
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.68-release...v0.69-release