You are annoyed by your washing machine because the displayed time at the beginning of the programm was not correct ?
You want to get a notifiaction to your smartphone when the programm is finished ?
Then we have a solution!
By setting up a small script which is reading the current power from a compatible wall plug, observe the power level and sends a notifcation via your own Telegram bot to your device which is running the Telegram messenger app.
- Device which can run a Python3 application with internet connection (Raspberry Pi recommended)
- Telegram Application
- Wall plug with power measurement running Tasmota Firmware
- Install Raspberry Pi OS
Download imager, open application and install Os to your SD-card
Tested with Full Pi OS Desktop installation approx. 2.5GB
- Light version can work, but it is not tested
- Connect hardware
- Fire up your Raspberry Pi (e.g connect 5V)
- Configure your Raspberry Pi
- Connect with Wifi or Lan
- Open Raspberry Pi config
sudo raspi-config
- Interfacing Options -> Enable SSH
- Set Hostname to "chillyanalyst"
- Reboot your Raspberry Pi
sudo reboot
- Install git, python3.7 (most likely it will already be installed)
sudo apt install git
sudo apt-get install python3.7
- Clone ChillyAnalyst repository to your Raspberry Pi
git clone
cd ChillyAnalyst
git checkout origin/master
- Install python dependencies
cd ChillyAnalyst
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Configure your Telegram-Bot
- Open telegram application on a smartphone or web application
- Search "BotFather"
- Create a Bot by following the instructions until your get the access token
Add access token to config file
sudo nano ChillyAnalyst/config/config.cfg
- paste your unique telegram access token into the config file (Hint: login into Telegram via browser to copy)
- choose your personal password
- Confirm bash with:
- Strg + O
- Strg + X
- Enable Autostart services
- To automatically start the python script copy the provided service into your system lib and enable the service
cd ChillyAnalyst
sudo cp chillyanalyst.service /lib/systemd/system
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable chillyanalyst.service
- Final reboot
- Congrats, you finished the installation!
sudo reboot
- Updates
- For updating the program
cd ChillyAnalyst
git fetch
git pull
sudo systemctl restart chillyanalyst.service
Parameter Description
NAME | Description |
PARAM_POWER_LOWER_LEVEL | Power level to detect start after filter |
PARAM_POWER_DEBOUNCE_LEVEL | When power is below this level debouncing is active |
PARAM_EMETER_PLUG_RESOLUTION | Factor to convert raw power to power in [W] |
PARAM_IDLE_TICK_RATE | Read power rate during idle state |
PARAM_MEASURE_TICK_RATE | Read power rate during measure phase e.g after start till end |
PARAM_DEBOUNCE_TICK_LIMIT | Amount of ticks power level can be at or below PARAM_POWER_DEBOUNCE_LEVEL, if so "end" is detected |
FILTER_QUEUE | Size of fifo queue to calculate the mean value |
Input filtering
State Timing