- A review of numpy arrays and matrics + matplotlib
- Images
- Videos & Histograms
- Noise & Filtering
- Reading from camera video device, edge detection
- Connected Components, Thresholding, Morphology
- Hough Transform
- Corner Detection
- Image pyramid, multiscale corner detection
- SIFT detection, description, and matching
- Geomatric image transformation
- Feature-based image alignment, RANSAC
- Image classification
Read a image and creat a new image vertically concatenating it with its vertically inverted image
Convert gray scale image to BGR, Make an animated smooth transition from image I to J
Save video frames in reverse order, expand a histogram to get a better contrast
Gaussian noise, smooth image with a box kernel, smoothing with a Gaussian kernel, Bilateral filter
Compute the Gradients, Edge detection (Sobel, Laplacian, Canny
Count number of beans in image, simple background subtraction
Count number of coins in image,
Find polygons in bunch of images
Image down sampling, multiscale corner detection
Detect SIFT key points for sequence of images and displays their locations, feature description and matching
Task: We have pictures of bunch of objects. Your task is to find out if the object exists in the scene image.
Eucliden (Rigid) transformation, similarity transform, Affine transformation, Perspective transformation(Homography)
Task: Estimating a homography transformation from point correspondences, perspective correction
Robust estimation with RANSAC, image alignment, draw object outline
Linear support vector machine, RBF SVM, K-Nearest neighbors(KNN), Random Forest, HOG & LBP features
Tasks: a program that reads the images from dataset and randomly displays four examples of each Persian digit
Tasks: classify persian digits using features