Lottomat is an example application to show how to write code in Java 8 using OOP and FP elements.
First version of code came from blog post an is in tag v1
I use only master branch.
List of blog posts that contains steps:
- Lotto to fajna rzecz – initial version tag v1
- O elegancji kodu – abstract machine tag v2
- Po co nam typy? – about types and tests tag v3
- To jak w końcu wyświetlić obiekt bez gettera? – how to make visitor in different way. tag v4
- Krótkie wprowadzenie do testów mutacyjnych – how to check out test quality and why high test coverage could be trap tag v5
- Statystyka Gry – Introduction to game statistic tag v6
- Finalana wersja lottomatu – Final version tag v7
Most of commits contains changes that match to the part of post. Some commits contains "technical stuff" like
editions of
or configuration of travis and gradle.