For Windows : make sure you are using WSL2
Download CPlex from IBM and install it.
Modify the CMakelists.txt
file to add the path to the CPLEX installation.
# Path to CPLEX and CONCERT
set(CPLEX_DIR "/opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio2211/cplex")
set(CONCERT_DIR "/opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio2211/concert")
bash <table_number[1:17]> (verbose{0,1,2})
The first argument is the number of the table to run. The second argument is the verbosity level. 0 is the default level, 1 is for more details and 2 is for debug.
The data is stored in the tables
folder. Each table is decomposed into 3 files: distance.csv
, demands.csv
and vehicles.csv
All those files have been made from the original tables using the
The config.cpp
file is responsible for importing the data from the tables and storing it in the Config
The CPLEX model is implemented in the CPLEX_implex.cpp
file. It is responsible for creating the model from the Config
class, adding the constraints and the objective function and solving the model.
The mathematical model is described in the report.pdf
The exact algorithm is implemented in the exact_solver.cpp
file. It is responsible for solving the problem using an exact algorithm. It is a hierarchical approach, decomposing the problem into a partitioning problem and a TSP.
The TSP is solved using the Held-Karp algorithm (dynamic programming in O(n^2*2^n)) and the partitioning problem is solved by brute force (in O(3^n) for 3 vehicles).
The bottom-up heuristic algorithm is implemented in the heuristic.cpp
file. It is an adaptation of the exact algorithm, to tackle problems with a large number of clients. In place of solving the TSP exactly, we find an upper bound using a MST and shortcutting the tour. The partitioning problem is solved using a greedy algorithm.
The tabu search algorithm is implemented in the tabu_search.cpp
file. It is responsible for finding an approximate solution to the problem. We initialize the solution using the nearest neighbor algorithm and then we apply the tabu search algorithm to improve it.
runs 100 different tabu search algorithms (with different initial solutions) and keeps the best one.
script is a bash script that compiles the project and runs it with the given arguments. It calls the vrp.cpp
file which is the main file of the project, responsible for calling every algorithm and printing the time and the results.