"Game of Life" is a computer program that simulates an environment composed of living and dead cells, originally developed by the British mathematician John Conway in 1970. This simulation is based on a set of simple rules that determine the evolution of cells over generations.
Get this
commande in your shell :
curl -o get_cell.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Krio18/Game_of_life/main/get_cell.sh && bash get_cell.sh
After that
you can delete 'get_cell.sh'.
Get this
commande in your shell :
cell -d
- A living cell with fewer than two living neighbors dies, simulating underpopulation.
- A living cell with two or three living neighbors survives, simulating a balanced population.
- An empty space with exactly three living neighbors becomes a cell in the next generation, simulating reproduction.
- A living cell with more than three living neighbors dies, simulating overpopulation.
Because it's cool to use it :
Usage: cell [optional_number]"
[optional_number] = number of iterations.