Update: TailwindCSS v3 came out, and it uses JIT compiler by default. The config file and the package.json has been updated accordingly.
Just clone this repository or click the Use This Template
button or use degit (npx degit KrishGarg/vite-react-tailwind-jit-template#main
) to get a copy of this. Then just run yarn
or npm i
in the root of the folder to install all the dependencies. Then you can go ahead and start editing the src/App.jsx file and you can use tailwind throughout the entire app as the src/index.css file has registered tailwind and it is imported in the main.jsx file.
npx degit KrishGarg/vite-react-tailwind-jit-template#main
Demo Site: https://vite-react-tailwind.surge.sh
To start the dev server on your machine:
yarn dev
To start the dev server on your network:
yarn dev --host
To make the production build:
yarn build
To preview the production build locally:
yarn serve