The browser loads a single ontology (and its imports) on startup and renders it for easy navigation.
- Navigation of all entities (classes, properties, individuals and datatypes)
- Hierarchies
- Entity usage
- Manchester OWL Syntax rendering
- Ontology metrics
- Searching
- DL Query (with set subtraction)
mvn clean jetty:run
Then navigate to http://localhost:8080
This will give you a browser with a tiny example ontology.
Run the Dockerfile, which will build from github by default and create an image based on Jetty 10 Alpine
Run the image and navigate to http://localhost:8080
To load your own, set the root ontology location and reasoner root ontology IRI environment variables:
REASONING_ROOT_IRI=<IRI of the ontology to be reasoned with>
PROJECT_NAME=<Ontology name>
PROJECT_URL=<Project documentation url>
PROJECT_TAGLINE=<Project tagline text>
PROJECT_CONTACT=<Email address of contact>
This is a "fork" of the ontology browser from the CO-ODE project now hosted at
Unlike v1, there is no storing of sessions/multi config.
This is implemented using Java 11, Spring MVC, OWLAPI, Thymeleaf.
Some dependencies are local (in /repo) as they do not exist on any mvn repo.