Whole Project Code Available Here
- Java Springboot
- Responsive Web Design
- GitHub
- Cloud Computing
- Jenkins
- Groovy
- Gradle
- SonarQube
- Nexus
- Helm
- Datree
- Docker
- Kubernetes
must be in the Github(We're not using Jenkins inbuilt Pipeline script
Must give repo account url and branch details.
- Server Setup
- Jenkins Configurations
- Integrating SonarQube with Jenkins
- Creating Docker hosted repository in Nexus and pushing the docker image through Jenkins
- Creating Helm hosted repository in Nexus and Pushing the helm charts
- Configuring mail server in Jenkins
- Connecting Jenkins with Kubernetes cluster
- How to pull the images from private repository (nexus) to k8s kubeadm cluster
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you, Happy learning!