Codsoft Internship Projects This repository contains the projects I completed during my Java development internship with Codsoft. The projects are as follows:
- Number Game
- Student Grade Calculator
- ATM Interface
Project Descriptions:
Number Game: The Number Game is an interactive game where the user tries to guess a randomly generated number within a specified range. The game provides feedback on whether the guessed number is correct, too high, or too low, and it keeps track of the number of attempts made. The game includes multiple rounds and displays the user's score.
Student Grade Calculator: The Student Grade Calculator is a tool designed to calculate students' grades based on their scores in various subjects. The program takes input for scores and outputs the corresponding grade.
ATM Interface: The ATM Interface is a simulation of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). It allows users to perform basic banking operations such as checking account balance, depositing money, and withdrawing money.