EVM Deep Dives: The Path to Shadowy Super Coder
- Interactive Website to review EVM execution
- Test your knowledge!
- Test your knowledge!
- Tool to assist with EVM Bytecode Review
Chainlink 1.0 White Paper Chainlink 2.0 White Paper What is a Block Chain Oracle What is the Block Chain Oracle problem? Video: Key Considerations for Oracle Mechanism Security
Uniswap V3 Code Deep Dive Fork Uniswap & Create SushiSwap - EatTheBlocks
- Ethereum Smart Contract Security Best Practices
- Solidity Security by Sigp
- NCC Group Top Dapp Security Issues
SquirRL: Automated Attack Analysis on Blockchain Incentive Mechanisms with Deep Reinforcemetn learning Securing Smart Contracts with Information Flow
- Tail Call Elimination
- Compositional Sec for Reentrant Apps
- CryptoMarketPool - Solidity Reentrancy
- Reentrency White Paper
- - Reentrancy Overview
- (From the Consensys folks)