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Releases: Kuadrant/authorino


12 Sep 16:37
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What's Changed

New features and Enhancements

  • AuthConfig v1beta2 API version became the new default version stored in the cluster database

    Important! After upgrading to Authorino v0.18.0, migrate all your AuthConfigs resources to v1beta2 stored in the cluster database by running the following script:

    cat << 'EOF' > /tmp/
    authconfigs=$(kubectl get authconfigs -A -o custom-columns='NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace,' --no-headers)
    while IFS=" " read -r namespace name; do
      kubectl get authconfig "$name" -n "$namespace" -o yaml > "/tmp/${name}.${namespace}.authconfig.yaml"
      kubectl apply -f "/tmp/${name}.${namespace}.authconfig.yaml"
    done <<< "$authconfigs"
    chmod +x /tmp/

    Related PRs:

  • Version info, commit sha and dirty code flag stamped inside the Authorino binary, by @ehearneRedHat in #473
    Check the build info by running:

    docker run --rm --entrypoint authorino version

Dependencies and Tooling


  • [docs] avoid false positive openssl-related security flagging by @guicassolato in #472

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.17...v0.18.0


25 Mar 16:24
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What's Changed

Bug fixes

Dependencies and Tooling

Full Changelog: v0.17.1...v0.17.2


05 Mar 17:40
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What's Changed

Bug fixes

  • Fixes /server-metrics endpoint which was returning 404 Not Found due to a bug introduced in v0.16.0 (by @guicassolato in #458)

Full Changelog: v0.17.0...v0.17.1


22 Feb 12:52
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What's Changed

New features and Enhancements

  • [Breaking change] 'Client authentication' extended key usage for x.509 certificate authentication method by @guicassolato in #407
    • Changes the extended key usage verified by the x.509 certificate authentication method (mTLS) from 'Server authentication' to 'Client authentication'
    • This makes the extended key usage required for issuing client certificates more in line with user expectations
    • Existing valid X.509 certificates issued with the 'Server authentication' key usage will no longer be accepted after rolling out this change

Bug fixes

  • OpenTelemetry Schema URL bumped to 1.21.0 by @guicassolato in #455
    • Fixes an error in the initialization of Authorino when tracing services were enabled, by pointing to the correct OpenTelemetry Schema version corresponding to the tracing dependencies in use.

Dependencies and Tooling

  • Updated some GitHub Actions related to issue tracking and project management by @alexsnaps in #449 and #453
  • Upgraded from 0.15.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #450


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0


23 Nov 09:51
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What's Changed

Dependencies and Tooling



New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.16.0


09 Oct 17:08
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What's Changed

New features and enhancements

  • AuthConfig v1beta2 (by @guicassolato in #417, #431)
    • This is a big one that we've been cooking for quite some time! The AuthConfig API received a facelift and it now feels a lot more natural and declarative.
    • Example of resource based on the new API:
      kind: AuthConfig
        name: my-app-protection
                  "app": "my-app"
                prefix: API-KEY
              - selector:
                operator: eq
                value: admin
              value: Authentication failed
              value: Access denied
                  selector: auth.identity.metadata.annotations.username
    • Highlights:
      • Lists/arrays of named definitions are now structured as objects
      • Dynamic values fetched from the Authorization JSON are now generally called selectors and replace the more complex valueFrom.authJSON.
      • spec.identity renamed as spec.authentication (with no consequence to the resolved identity object, which continues to be referred to as auth.identity in the Authorization JSON)
      • Several auth methods renamed and some slightly restructured for a more seamless UX
        • identity.oidcauthentication.jwt
        • identity.oauth2authentication.oauth2Introspection
        • identity.mtlsauthentication.x509
        • identity.kubernetesauthentication.kubernetesTokenReview
        • identity.credentials{in, keySelector}authentication.credentials{authorizationHeader | customHeader | queryString | cookie}
        • identity.extendedPropertiesauthentication.overrides and authentication.defaults
        • authorization.json{rules}authorization.patternMatching{patterns}
        • authorization.kubernetesauthorization.kubernetesSubjectAccessReview
        • authorization.authzedauthorization.spicedb
      • Restructuring of spec.response
        • response.wrappers restructured as proper properties of new field response.success
        • denyWith{unauthenticated, unauthorized}response{unauthenticated, unauthorized}
      • Few other minor enhancements preparing for the future, e.g.:
        • Unification of the configs for building HTTP clients
        • Full YAML/JSON data type compatibility for setting static values (so it behaves in the same way as when selecting a dynamic value from the Authorization JSON)
    • Backward compatibility:
      • [Deprecation warning] The old v1beta1 API continues to be served and, for at least one version, will be the schema of all stored resources – so users have time to upgrade their automation to v1beta2 before the next release. (More instructions to come soon.)
      • To support both versions of the APIs, a new conversion webhook service has been introduced. (Deployed automatically the Authorino Operator.)
  • OR operator for when conditions (by @guicassolato in #427)
    • Another long-awaited feature! Conditionals now support disjunction (any).
    • E.g., to allow anonymous access (i.e., no authentication required) for all HTTP requests with path =~ '/test*' OR method == 'GET' (occasionally both can be true):
            - any:
              - selector: request.path
                operator: matches
                value: ^/test.*
              - selector: request.method
                operator: eq
                method: GET
            anonymous: {}
    • AND operation can still be enforced by specifying the new field all (default if omitted). E.g., including nested conditions, to express host == '' AND ((path =~ '/test*' AND (method == 'POST' OR method == 'PUT')) OR method == 'GET'):
            - selector:
              operator: eq
            - any:
              - all:
                - selector: context.request.http.path
                  operator: matches
                  value: ^/test.*
                - any:
                  - selector: context.request.http.method
                    operator: eq
                    value: POST
                  - selector: context.request.http.method
                    operator: eq
                    value: PUT
              - selector: context.request.http.method
                operator: eq
                value: GET
            anonymous: {}
  • Well-known attributes (by @didierofrivia in #428)
    • Implements Kuadrant's Well-known Attributes for navigating the Authorization JSON
    • This not only enhances the AuthConfig API with more concise and comprehensible selectors, but will also give users of Kuadrant's AuthPolicy CRD a more seamless experience compared to the other APIs of the suite, such as the RateLimitPolicy CRD
    • [Deprecation warning] Deprecation of the context.* paths of the Authorization JSON – to be removed in future releases
  • Enable/disable host name collision prevention for strict host subsets (by @guicassolato in #434)
    • New command-line flag --allow-superseding-host-subsets that disables the host name collision prevention for strict subsets of hosts attempted to be linked after a superset already taken.
    • Allows to create AuthConfigs first for a bigger set of host name domains, then supersede a subset of it with a second AuthConfig applied after
    • Recommended for specific use cases where other measures are in place to avoid users taking partial control of one another's auth schemes.

Dependencies and Tooling


Refactoring and Minor fixes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v0.15.0


11 Jul 10:12
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New features and Enhancements

  • New response method plain (#393)
    • Allows configuring for the injection of HTTP request headers whose value are simple text/plain values.
    • This is an alternative to having to stringify a JSON object using the json response method.
  • Control over overwriting values in the identity object added to the API (#399)
    • Adds new property overwrite: bool (default: false) to the extended properties that allows to force extend the identity object or only when the property is missing
  • New tighten-up Permissions over Authorino files within the container (#391)
    • Adds a new dedicated home path in the file system within the container for the Authorino binary and any other future Authorino files.
    • The directory is owned by a new authorino Linux user and root Linux group.
    • Allows running Authorino on OpenShift with the default unprivileged user on standard restricted security context strategy, without the files having to be owned by root.
    • In other environments, users can choose to run the container as root or as the less privileged authorino user.
  • [Breaking change] New escaping of base64-decoded strings (#401)
    • Authorino now automatically escapes double quotes within strings extracted from the Authorization JSON and decoded with the @base64 modifier.
    • The typical use case for this is to be able to parse base64-encoded strings that represent valid JSON types other than simple strings (e.g. objects and arrays) and navigate those structures with normal JSON paths. For example, for parsing a JWT straight from the Authorization header.
    • The new behavior comes with a minor breaking change though, which is the dropping of support for base64 URL-encoded values. As a consequence, base64-encoded strings, passed and extracted from the URL path to be decoded with the @base64 modifier, for example, must not include the URL-encoded right padding characters (i.e. =, encoded as %3D). Authorino will fail to decode such values. To work around this limitation, use the @replace modifier before decoding with @base64:decode.
  • [Breaking change] Simple Kubernetes TokenReview identity object (#403)
    • Makes the Kubernetes TokenReview-based identity method to always fill the identity object from the status field of the TokenReview response, as opposed to the current hybrid behaviour of trying to detect whether the verified access token is a JWT or an opaque token.
    • Users relying on JWT detection can still extract, decode and parse the JWT directly from the Authorization header. Here’s an example extending the identity object. E.g.
        - name: k8s-tokenreview
            - name: jwt
                authJSON: context.request.http.headers.authorization|@extract:{"pos":1}|@extract:{"sep":".","pos":1}|@base64:decode|@fromstr

Dependencies and Tooling

  • Upgrade to Golang v1.19.x (#409)
  • Bump OPA to v0.52.0 (#398)


  • Update client certificates used in the automated tests (#405, #406)


  • Fix instructions to extract Kubernetes TokenReview username from the identity object mentioned in the docs (#408)
  • Fix wrong metric type mentioned in the docs by @averevki (#410)

Other minor fixes

  • Fix several one-of constraints of the AuthConfig API (#396, #404)

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.14.0


08 May 14:59
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New features and Enhancements

  • Activated server reflection in the gRPC authorization interface (#388)
    • Makes it easy to send authorization requests to Authorino via gRPC without having to supply the proto files - e.g.
      grpcurl -plaintext -d @ authorino:50051 envoy.service.auth.v3.Authorization.Check {...}
  • Tracing enhancements
    • Replaces Jaeger Thrift integration with OpenTelemetry OTLP (#390)
      • [Breaking change!] Server command-line --tracing-service-endpoint now requires 'rpc' or 'http'
      • New server command-line option: --tracing-service-insecure=bool - disable TLS for the tracing service connection (default: false)
    • Propagate W3C Trace Context in the requests to external services such as when fetching metadata, verifying OAuth2 opaque tokens, and pulling OPA policies from registry (#386 by @Rohith-Raju)
    • Ensure the request ID is always present in the traces and logs by retrieving from context or generating random one when not available (#389)

Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.13.0


22 Mar 09:57
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New features and Enhancements

  • New Auth Pipeline phase: callbacks (#368, #371)
    • Allows to send configurable HTTP requests to external services at the end of Auth Pipeline
    • Same API as the HTTP GET/GET-by-POST metadata method
    • when conditions and access to the Authorization JSON just like any other evaluator
  • Built-in integration with Authzed SpiceDB (#375)
    • Configurable check permission requests sent by Authorino to an external SpiceDB instance via GRPC (authorization phase)
    • Demo available in this YouTube video:
  • New JSON path @strip string modifier for easy removing of non printable characters (#374 by @OperationalDev, #377)
  • Support for multi-element JSON responses from external sources of metadata (#376)
  • Support for OAuth2 client credentials for fetching metadata and callbacks (#379, #381)
  • Tracing (#380 by @Rohith-Raju, #384)
    • Authorino now emits traces to an external OpenTelemetry tracing service
    • Support for W3C Trace Context format and user-defined baggage traces

Dependencies and Tooling

  • bumped from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 (#382)


Minor fixes and enhancements

  • [ci] Fixed unit benchmarks (#370)
  • Fixed spacing in comments (#378)

Special thanks to our new contributors 🎉

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0


15 Dec 16:19
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New features and Enhancements

  • Health check/readiness probe endpoints (#365)
    • Allows to check for the aggregated status of handled AuthConfigs at /readyz/authconfigs
  • Command-line interface (CLI) (#366)
    • Configuration options, including for the authorization server, now passed as command-line arguments
    • [Deprecation warning] Deprecation of the old environment variables to configure Authorino
    • Version of the Authorino binary can now be verified with the authorino version command

Bug fixes

  • Safe concurrent access to the Auth Pipeline maps (#358)


  • Observability (health/readiness probe endpoints) and new CLI (#367)
    • Observability section refactored to include in one user guide: metrics, readiness, logging and tracing
    • Fixed all references to deprecated environment variables, to favor their corresponding command-line flag substitutes

Dependencies and Tooling