This plugin is meant to hide or show lines to help you analysing larger files - logs for example. You can hide all lines that contain text pattern. Or simply select several lines and hide them.
Plugin is based on TextFX plugin v0.25 by Chris Severance.
- Install via Plugins Admin or paste the file "NppTextViz.dll" to Notepad++ plugin folder
- Copy single line text to clipboard or select any block of text
- From plugin menu choose action
- Enjoy profit :)
+While holding Caps key when moving cursor you can easily show lines around.
Don Ho for Notepad++
Chris Severance for TextFX
Minor update in texts and sequence box
Faster removing visible/hidden lines in large files
Enhancing in Sequence dialog
Minor code optimizations
And several bugs fixed
Fixed bug in Delete selected text
New Sequence dialog - you can check or edit sequence via dialog box
Minor bug fixed
Caps-key unfolding lines is now recorded as sequence
Minor typos in menu
Initial release
DONE: Adding Caps-holding unfolding lines to sequence