Medic-Viz is mobile-first web service that uses Firebase, and Google Cloud Platform(GCP). Our service aims to help effective healthcare communication between patients and doctors by visualizing functions, such as STT and diagnosis algorithms.
By using Medic-Viz, we hope to foster smoother collaboration between patients and doctors, and help promote a more sustainable and equitable healthcare system.
In Korea, there is a nickname for outpatient clinics called "1-hour wait, 3-minute consultation." This means that within a short period of 3 minutes, doctors check the patient's medical chart, listen to the patient's symptoms/side effects, decide on a treatment plan, and prescribe medication or order tests. However, this type of "3-minute consultation" inevitably lowers the quality of medical care and threatens patient safety, infringing on the right of patients to receive safe treatment and leading to distrust in medical services.
The most fundamental solution may be to mandate longer consultation times or improve the outpatient clinic system. However, due to various complicated issues, it is not an easy solution. Therefore, we are convinced that a visualization web service that helps deliver medical information during the medical process is the most realistic way to solve this problem.
Medic-Viz has two main functions that are designed to benefit both patients and doctors.
The Recording feature enables doctors to record and store medical examinations or conversations with patients, along with additional analysis of diseases. Model algorithm for certain diseases provides doctors with a standardized diagnostic process that can help improve the accuracy and consistency of diagnoses, and ultimately lead to better outcomes for patients# Clone Repository
$ git clone
# Move to folder
$ cd Medic-Viz
# Install dependency
$ npm install
# Run
$ npm start