The application accurately displays the current weather conditions in your exact location, anywhere in the world. It provides up-to-date details on temperature, rain, chance of precipitation, snow, wind, hours of sunshine, sunrise and sunset times.
WEATHER FORECAST AND LIVE WEATHER provides the most accurate and reliable weather forecast. It also provides the most accurate weather indicators such as sunrise and sunset times, humidity, UV index, wind speed, air quality and precipitation.
Get live radar and weather tracker. Locate heat waves, gale, rain and hurricane before they hit. Get real-time weather maps animations and severe alerts on blizzard, hurricane, rain, snow, temperature, clouds, wind, humidity, wave, pressure, current. Our hyperlocal HD radar based on doppler effect gives accurate information on precipitation and air currents.
π Weather in real time
- Show current temperature, actual temperature, weather icon, wind speed and direction, maximum and minimum temperature
π Live weather alert and natural disasters
- Shows affected area, start time, end time, warning summary, warning text and data source. Different warning colors represent different levels.
- Provides warnings of strong wind, heavy rain, blizzard and thunderstorms
π Today's weather details
- Provides body temperature, sunrise and sunset times, humidity, ultraviolet rays, visibility, rain and dew, altitude, cloud cover.
π Weather forecast for the next 24/72 hours
- Provides a detailed 24-hour weather forecast, including hourly weather forecasts
π Weather widget
- Various different types of widgets with simply weather details. Drag the weather widget to the location of the phone desktop at will.
π Weather forecast for the next 10/25 days
- Provides daily temperature, weather summary, humidity, UV index, probability of rain/snow/ice, probability of lightning, wind direction/speed/wind level and sunrise/sunset time.
π Minute of rain for 2 hours
- Use Rain Tracker to show minute-by-minute precipitation and snowfall, as well as precipitation and snow depth for the next two hours
π Weather information unit and format setting
- Allows users to set their preferred temperature, precipitation, visibility, wind speed, pressure, time system and date format
π Location management
- Allows users to manually add and remove cities, adjust the order of cities, set notifications for cities and weather forecasts. It also allows users to save any location and view current conditions for any number of global locations at once.
π Weather forecast notification
- Send the most important weather information every day, so you can stay informed about detailed weather conditions throughout the day.
πSupport for multiple languages
- The app provides in-app support for more than 20+ languages.
π Setting the standard for free Advanced Weather Radar: β’ The accurate weather radar β’ Weather watches and warnings for your local area β’ Weather radar views for rainfall, water vapor, sustained winds, and even storm surges β’ Timely tropical storm radar tracking to see when and where storms might hit β’ Current conditions maps show temperature and Real Feel in and around your area β’ 5-day precipitation outlook to see what snow, rain, and ice could be in your area β’ 24-hour snowfall forecast shows detailed maps with snow accumulation and winter weather β’ Temperature contour maps show how the temperature will change over the next day
Earthquakes app displays weather updates about earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity updates. A worldwide earthquake list is also available based on data.