Repo for CS50G assignments. These games are clones of other popular games, and were made for Harvard's CS50G (GD50) course.
- Download the .zip for the following repository:
- Navigate though directories and double click the .exe file of any assignment you want to play.
- Download LÖVE, version 10.2 (I know it's outdated, the course uses libraries only compatible with 10.2).
- Install LÖVE.
- Zip an assignment folder.
- Rename the extension of the zipped folder from ".zip" to ".love".
- Open the ".love" file.
- First, download Unity Hub.
- Once installed, the sidebar on the left side should have an entry called "Installs".
- Click the "Add" button on the link, direct to the official releases website, and download Unity 2018.1.0f2 for Unity Hub.
- When Unity finishes installing, click on the sidebar entry called "Projects".
- Click "Add" and navigate to the assignment folder.
- Go to File->Build Settings, and select your target platform.
- Click "Build," then make a folder called "Build".
- Navigate to that folder and click on the executable.
Up arrow key - move up
Down arrow key - move down
Space bar - fly up (slightly)
Left arrow key - move left
Right arrow key - move right
Move mouse - move cursor
Left click - select
W - move up
A - move left
S - move down
D - move right
Space bar - jump
W - move up
A - move left
S - move down
D - move right
Space bar - action button (lift pots or attack)
Move mouse - move cursor
Left click - select and drag
W - move up
A - move left
S - move down
D - move right
J - OK/confirm
K - back
H - heal
Enter - start
W - move up
A - move left
S - move down
D - move right
Move mouse - move camera/change direction
W - move up
A - move left
S - move down
D - move right
Space - Jump