- Read
- Before deploy we should create specific namespace name (as new deployment name)
kubectl create namespace name_offuture_deploy
- Create deploy
helm install --set region="dynamodb-region" --set secret_key="dynamodb-secret-key" --set access_key="dynamodb-access-key" deploy-specific-name ./back
- Check
kubectl get all -n namespace
- Install Traefik
helm install traefik stable/traefik --set dashboard.enabled=true,dashboard.domain=traefik.cluster.local,rbac.enabled=true --namespace kube-system
or you can set via values-traefik.yamlhelm install --values values.yaml stable/traefik
Remember to reuse command for getting LB address (to check service in the future) values.yaml you can find by this link - You can deploy with trhee different ingress configuration: by percent(canary), by replica num(canary), by redirection path(versioning by path)
helm install --set region="dynamodb-region" --set secret_key="dynamodb-secret-key" --set access_key="dynamodb-access-key" deploy-specific-name ./back-...
- Check out via Service Load Balancer address and dashboard configuration
kubectl port-forward service/traefik-dashboard 8083:80 -n kube-system
Go to browser address