Backend service: Helm chart, Terraform for creating AWS DynamoDB, Docker for ECR, Workflow for GitHub Actions.
- Create own DynamoDB if you want (you can edit file for 'region' parameter). If you want to use existed - ask owner of DB for credentials and go to step 3.
terraform init
terraform plan -out=filepath
terraform apply
- Create own DynamoDB if you want (you can edit file for 'region' parameter). If you want to use existed - ask owner of DB for credentials and go to step 3.
- Create IAM role for all access to DB.(You can add such feature to your terraform).
- Start Kubernetes cluster.
- Create own ECR or use existed. Manual to use existed ''. For own use dynamodb_web branch.
- Let's deploy. Happy helming!
- At first, let's check if all is correct. Default only is tag=latest
helm install --dry-run --debug --set secretFile=ImagePullSecretCredFile --set registry=ecrAddress --ser tag=registryTag --set Region="dynamodb-region" --set secret_key="dynamodb-secret-key" --set access_key="dynamodb-access-key" helm-chart-specific-name ./helm-chart-dir
- At first, let's check if all is correct. Default only is tag=latest
- secretFile - by default = awsecr-cred.
- registry - by default =
- tag - by default = latest.
- region - by default = "local".
- secret and acess key - by default = "anything"
helm install --set secretFile=ImagePullSecretCredFile --set registry=ecrAddress --ser tag=registryTag --set Region="dynamodb-region" --set secret_key="dynamodb-secret-key" --set access_key="dynamodb-access-key" helm-chart-specific-name ./helm-chart-dir
- Check for working.
kubectl get all
&&kubectl port-forward service/back-srv 8083:8083
- Check for working.
- Go to browser and enter "".