TypeScript implementation of the Ethernet/IP™ protocol. This implementation is less complete.
Based on the work of cmseaton42/node-ethernet-ip and SerafinTech/ST-node-ethernet-ip.
Contributions will be highly appreciated 👍. This package use changesets for its versioning. Create a Changeset using
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pnpm exec changeset
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Run PNPM to build this package.
npm run build
pnpm run build
Install this package with
npm install enip-ts
pnpm install enip-ts
import { ENIP } from "ts-enip";
const enip = new ENIP.SocketController();
const sessionID = await enip.connect("");
* Define your ethernet ip packet here
* You can used bundled tools like Encapsulation.CPF
//Path for ethernet ip protocol
const idPath = Buffer.from([0x20, 0x04, 0x24, 0x96, 0x30, 0x03]);
//Message router packet
const MR = MessageRouter.build(0x0E, idPath, Buffer.alloc(0));
enip.write(MR, false, 10);
For server side, only services 0x0E & 0x10 are supported.
const actualData = Buffer.alloc(4, 0xF0);
const vector: ENIPDataVector = {
0x0E: (data) => {
if(data.path.class == 4 && data.path.instance == 150 && data.path.attribute == 3)
return actualData;
0x10: (data) => {
if(data.path.class == 4 && data.path.instance == 150 && data.path.attribute == 3 && data.data)
return actualData;
const server = new ENIPServer(vector);
// Server will listen on Default enip port 44818