Accessing and Modifying Per-Device Data
Use a token from your app to validate requests, query and modify two per-device binary digits stored on Apple servers.
- Prevent API & Content abuse with validating requests via Apple device token
- Query and modify two bits of data to achieve up to four remote states saved on Apple servers
- Easy to use configuration
- Examples
- Integrations with modern web frameworks
Visit and create new Key with DeviceCheck permission
pip install devicecheck
from devicecheck import DeviceCheck
device_check = DeviceCheck(
team_id="XX7AN23E0Z", #
key_id="JSAD983ENA", # Generated at
# Generated file at
dev_environment=True, # True if using development Apple environment, False if using in production.
# Remember to set dev_environment=False in production!
from devicecheck.asyncio import AsyncioDeviceCheck
The rest will be the same, except for network methods must be await
result = device_check.validate_device_token(device_token)
if result.is_ok:
print('OK! Device is valid')
print('Bad news. Unable to validate device')
# Can use both integers, strings and booleans. Will be converted with bool(value)
result = device_check.update_two_bits(device_token, bit_0=1, bit_1=False)
# Can update bits separately
result = device_check.update_two_bits(device_token, bit_0=True)
if result.is_ok:
print('Bits updated')
print(f'Something went wrong. {result}')
# Can use both integers, strings and booleans
result = device_check.query_two_bits(device_token)
if result.is_ok:
print(f'First bit {result.bit_0}') # True
print(f'Second bit {result.bit_1}') # False
print(f'Last update time {result.bits_last_update_time}') # 2020-04
print(f'Something went wrong. {result}')
You can easily integrate devicecheck to your webserver using a decorator. Specify a supported framework, or leave None
to try universal parser.
from devicecheck.decorators import validate_device # for sync code
from devicecheck.decorators import DCSupportedFrameworks
from devicecheck import DeviceCheck
device_check = DeviceCheck(...)
# Set response that will be returned on invalid token
INVALID_TOKEN_RESPONSE = ('Invalid device_token', 403)
@validate_device(device_check, framework=DCSupportedFrameworks.flask, on_invalid_token=INVALID_TOKEN_RESPONSE)
def endpoint():
return 'Content'
Use sync decorator
from devicecheck.decorators import validate_device
from devicecheck.decorators import DCSupportedFrameworks
INVALID_TOKEN_RESPONSE = ('Invalid device_token', 403)
framework = DCSupportedFrameworks.flask
Use Async decorator
from devicecheck.decorators import async_validate_device
from devicecheck.decorators import DCSupportedAsyncFrameworks
from sanic.response import text
INVALID_TOKEN_RESPONSE = text('Invalid device_token', status=403)
framework = DCSupportedAsyncFrameworks.sanic
from fastapi.responses import PlainTextResponse
INVALID_TOKEN_RESPONSE = PlainTextResponse('Invalid device_token', status_code=403)
framework = DCSupportedAsyncFrameworks.fastapi
Well, it's kinda hard to automate testing, because Devicecheck requires real device (Simulators won't work). In case you
need to disable decorators, pass SKIP_DEVICE_CHECK_DECORATOR=True
environment variable.
, it will be a hardcoded valid token
MOCK_DEVICE_CHECK_DECORATOR_TOKEN="device-check-token" python -m unittest tests/integrational/
For Debug logs, including requests body, pass a DEBUG
environment variable.
Library represents an AppleException
class with attributes status_code
and description
Requires raise_on_error=True
parameter for DeviceCheck
import DeviceCheck
public func getDeviceToken(completion: @escaping (String?) -> ()) {
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
let currentDevice = DCDevice.current
if currentDevice.isSupported
currentDevice.generateToken(completionHandler: { (data, error) in
if let tokenData = data {
let tokenString = tokenData.base64EncodedString()
print("Received device token")
} else{
print("Error generating token: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
} else {
print("Device is not supported") // Simulators or etc.
} else {
print("Device OS is lower than iOS 11")
Header or Body
getDeviceToken { deviceToken in
var request = URLRequest(url: "...")
request.httpMethod = "POST"
// Header
request.setValue(deviceToken, forHTTPHeaderField: "Device-Token")
// Body
request.setValue("application/json; charset=utf-8", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
let json = ["device_token": deviceToken] as [String : Any]
let jsonData = try! json)
request.httpBody = jsonData as Data
// Send it to server
let downloadTask = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request, completionHandler: { data, response, error in