This is a simple application for the Spark Core that receives ArtNet over WiFi and transmits it over DMX.
The received DMX universe is stored and transmitted over DMX with a refresh rate of 25Hz.
The color of the RGB LED is determined by the first 3 channels and the small blue LED toggles every time the DMX universe is sent.
This code will not work in Sparks online IDE! You have to compile it yourself or upload the firmware without changes.
The reason for this is that the buffer in Sparks UDP library is set to 512 bytes. ArtDMX-packages are 530 in length, so only the last 18 bytes will be received by the application. To receive ArtDMX packages, change
#define RX_BUF_MAX_SIZE 512
#define RX_BUF_MAX_SIZE 576
in the file core-firmware/inc/spark_wiring_udp.h
Check out Sparks repository for information on compiling:
To transmit DMX you need an RS485-transceiver chip. Hooking up a MAX485 is simple:
- ArtNet reception is based on this gist:
- DMX transmission is based on this repo: