我曾经以不正确的姿势学习研究了 KMP,但是被众说纷纭文章搞头脑迷糊了。看着别人撤了一堆的名词术语,又是动态规划,又是状态图,又是状态转换什么的,别人就是懂得多。感觉真是后悔学了中文,因为每个字我都懂,但就是不清楚别人在说什么😂
我觉得 KMP 搜索算法应该有更好的学习姿势,不需要扯概念扯术语,只需要直觉,Algorithm Visualizer 也许是一个可以在直觉上增加理解的好工具。
git clone git@github.com:jimboyeah/jitter_search.git
git clone https://github.com/jimboyeah/jitter_search.git
以上是学习库 Algorithms.md 分类文档中关于字符串搜索算法的部分,因为有离线整理资料的习惯,只会挑选部分公开发布。使用的工具是 Sublime Text + Git,感谢作者的共享软件,真的非常高效。
暴力搜索算法,Brute Force Searching,是两层简单的循环结构。先从 S 第 1 个字符位置开始逐字与 P 字符比较,发现不匹配时,再从 S 第 2 个字符位置开始逐字比较,依次处理直到整个 S 字符串处理完成,算法复杂度是 O(mn)。
class Violent:
def search(self, s, p):
for i in range(0, len(s)-len(p)+1):
for j in range(0, len(p)):
if s[i+j] != p[j]:
elif j+1 == len(p):
ismain and print(f"""\
Pattern: {p}
Search: {s}
at: {"^"*len(p):>{i+len(p)}} col:{i}
return i
return -1
ismain = __name__ == '__main__'
if ismain:
v = Violent()
v.search(p="Type", s="git clone git@github.com:Microsoft/TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin")
v.search(p="Complexy",s="Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attack")
v.search(p="Hash", s="New Second-Preimage Attacks on Hash Functions")
v.search(p="4th", s="Robert Sedgewick - Algorithms, 4th Edition")
v.search(p="Closed", s="Open Hash Tables (Closed Addressing)")
v.search(p="Open", s="Closed Hash Tables (Open Addressing)")
v.search(p="using", s="Closed Hash Tables, using buckets")
v.search(p="3rd", s="Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition")
v.search(p="loog", s="loon")
v.search(p="loon", s="loon")
v.search(p="loon", s="loo")
Pattern: Type
Search: git clone git@github.com:Microsoft/TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin
at: ^^^^ col:35
Pattern: Hash
Search: New Second-Preimage Attacks on Hash Functions
at: ^^^^ col:31
Pattern: 4th
Search: Robert Sedgewick - Algorithms, 4th Edition
at: ^^^ col:31
Pattern: Closed
Search: Open Hash Tables (Closed Addressing)
at: ^^^^^^ col:18
Pattern: Open
Search: Closed Hash Tables (Open Addressing)
at: ^^^^ col:20
Pattern: using
Search: Closed Hash Tables, using buckets
at: ^^^^^ col:20
Pattern: 3rd
Search: Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition
at: ^^^ col:27
- Algorithms 4th - 5.3 Substring Search
- 有限状态机之 KMP 字符匹配算法 https://labuladong.gitee.io/algo/3/27/99/
- KMP - Algorithm Visualizer https://algorithm-visualizer.org/dynamic-programming/knuth-morris-pratts-string-search
KMP 字符串查找算法,用于在一个文本串 S 内查找一个模式串 P 的出现位置,这个算法由 Donald Knuth、James H. Morris、Vaughan Pratt 三人于 1977 年联合发表,故取这 3 人的姓氏命名此算法。
Knuth D.E., Morris J.H., and Pratt V.R., Fast pattern matching in strings, SIAM Journal on Computing, 6(2), 323-350, 1977.
暴力搜索算法中,是两层简单的循环结构。先从 S 第 1 个字符位置开始逐字与 P 字符比较,发现不匹配时,再从 S 第 2 个字符位置开始逐字比较,依次处理直到整个 S 字符串处理完成,算法复杂度是 O(mn)。
如果字符串中重复的字符比较多,或者 P 中有更合适的匹配位置却没有相应处理,该算法就显得很蠢,比如如下数据:
s = "shellllama" p = "llam"
KMP 算法的不同之处在于,它会花费空间来记录一些信息,这是一处反馈机制,是动态规划算法的特性,在上述情况中就会显得很聪明。
相比暴力的逐字搜索,KMP 算法不用对 S 字符的每一个位置的字符串进行一轮比较,永不回退处理 S 输入字符串。另一个角度来说,KMP 算法回退的是 PMT 查询表的数据。
如果文本串的长度为 n,模式串的长度为 m,那么匹配过程的时间复杂度为 O(n),整体时间复杂度为 O(m + n)。
而 KMP 算法通过引入一个前缀和后缀的公共字串长度表,也称为部分匹配表 PMT - Partial Match Table,这个表的构建就是 KMP 算法的核心思想:监测到不匹配时,P 提供足够的信息来确定下一次应该从什么位置开始搜索。跳过一些不必要比较的字符串,从而提高了搜索效率,所以把构建出来的这个表称作 next_table 或者 dp_table 都是合适的。
前缀:以第一个字符开始,但是不包含最后的字符,列如 "abc" 的前缀有 "a" 和 "ab"。 后缀:以最后的字符开始,但是不包含第一个字符,列如 "abc" 的后缀有 "c" 和 "bc"。 最长公共子串:Longest Common Substring 是指两个字符串中最长连续相同的子串长度。 例如 “1AB2345CD” 和 “12345EF” 的最长公共子串为 “2345”,这也是一道算法题目。 子序列:由原字符串在不改变字符的相对顺序的情况下删除某些字符(也可以不删除任何字符)后组成的新字符串。例如,"ace" 是 "abcde" 的子序列,但 "aec" 不是 "abcde" 的子序列。
以 Algorithm Visualizer 演示的数据为例:
S = "Monkey like banana.";
P = "anana";
首先,KMP 需要根据 P 生成一个 PMT 数据表,以供匹配失败时确定下一个位置,PMT 生成规则,以前缀公共字串长度为例,PMT 每个值是 P 对应位置的匹配前缀字符数量,前缀长度,所以开始位置总是 0:
PMT: 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 | Group
P: A A A A B A A A | A
PMT: 0 1 0 0 | Group
P: l l a m | B
PMT: 0 0 1 2 | Group
P: n a n a | C
以上 A、B、C 三组数据产生的 PMT 如何使用呢?还是拿 P 去匹配 S 字符串,从头开始,以 B 组数据为例:
S: s h e l l l l a m a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
从 S 开头检索,直到位置 4 出现第一个匹配字符,继续位置 5 出现第二个匹配字符。注意,每出现匹配表示 PMT 数据获取的位置状态也在变化。
检索第 6 个字符时,出现不匹配,这时 PMT 的数据就起作用了。如果是 Violent Search 算法,肯定是推倒重来,从 S 的第 2 个字符开始检索。但是 KMP 算法因为提前准备好了 PMT 数据,第一次出现不匹配时,知道可以从 PMT 表查询到前面可以匹配的前缀长度,即上一个位置有一个目标前缀长度为 1 的匹配子串。
从而可以直接修改 PMT 状态,或者叫做回退 PMT 数据指针位置,从而避免了在 S 字符串中进行回退操作。通常,输入数据中 S 会比 P 大得多,这也就是 KMP 的算法优点所在:高频前缀字符串的优化搜索算法。
class KnuthMorrisPratt:
def gen_next(self, p):
k = 0 # prefix pointer
l = 1 # postfix pointer
_next = [0] * len(p)
for l in range(l, len(p)):
while k>0 and p[k] != p[l]:
k = _next[k-1]
if p[l] == p[k]: k += 1
_next[l] = k
return _next
def search(self, s, p):
_next = self.gen_next(p)
j = 0 # pattern pointer
i = 0 # string pointer
for i in range(i, len(s)):
while j>0 and p[j] != s[i]:
j = _next[j-1]
if p[j] == s[i]:
j += 1
if j == len(p):
ismain and print(f"""\
PMT: {_next}
P: {p}
S: {s}
at: {"^"*len(p):>{i+1}}|<== end pos: {i}
return i - j + 1
return -1
ismain = __name__ == '__main__'
if ismain:
v = KnuthMorrisPratt()
v.search(p="llam", s="shellllama")
v.search(p="bib", s="bilibili")
v.search(p="bibi", s="ilibili")
v.search(p="loog", s="loon")
v.search(p="loon", s="loon")
v.search(p="loon", s="loo")
KMP 主要思想是当出现字符串不匹配时,可以通过 PMT 获释已经匹配的前后缀长度,并利用这些长度信息避免从头再去做匹配,考虑 PMT 查询表的构建,KMP 本质上还是线性搜索算法。
实际上,KMP 算法并不比 C 库函数 strstr() 快多少,因为在缺少重复前缀后缀的情况下,KMP 算法并不占优势。
糟糕的情况是 P 长度 S 相近时,这种算法反而表现更差,花大力气生成的 PMT 数据几乎没什么作用。
考虑到 KMP 算法的不足,这里设计了一种带有二分法思维的搜索算法 Jitter Search:
- 第一步,在 S 串中找出所有 P 第一个字符出现的位置,设为 J 集合;
- 第二步,选择一个整数 jitter,比如 P 串长度的一半;
- 第三步,将 J 集合中所有位置偏移 jitter 处且与 P 串相应位置的值相同的过滤出来;
- 重复,这种操作,直到完整匹配结果。
这种算法的优点是结合了二分法及低频过滤器思维,可以高效处理非频繁重复的字符串搜索。空间上需要占用一个 max(S, p) 的数组空间来存储索引值。
以下为 Python 实现代码,在应用中,可以对首字符高频重复的情况做优化:
## jitter search by Jeango
## 2020/3/18 20:42
class JitterSearch:
def search(self, s, p):
if len(s)<len(p): return [-1]
j = []
i = 0 # string pointer
for i in range(i, len(s)-len(p)+1):
if p[0] == s[i]:
jt = len(p) - 1
while jt>0:
for i in range(0, len(j)):
if j[i] < 0: continue
if s[j[i]+jt] != p[jt]:
j[i] = -1
jt -=1
ret = []
for i in j:
if i<0: continue
ismain and print(f"""\
P: {p}
S: {s}
at: {"^"*len(p):>{i+len(p)}} pos: {ret}
if len(ret)==0: ret = [-1]
return ret
ismain = __name__ == '__main__'
if ismain:
v = JitterSearch()
v.search(p="llam", s="shellllama")
v.search(p="ma", s="shellllama")
v.search(p="bib", s="bilibili")
v.search(p="ili", s="bilibili")
v.search(p="bibi", s="ilibili")
v.search(p="loog", s="loon")
v.search(p="loon", s="loon")
v.search(p="loon", s="loo")
P: llam
S: shellllama
at: ^^^^ pos: [5]
P: ma
S: shellllama
at: ^^ pos: [8]
P: ili
S: bilibili
at: ^^^ pos: [1]
P: ili
S: bilibili
at: ^^^ pos: [1, 5]
- [Easy] implement strStr() https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/implement-strstr/
- [Medium] Repeated DNA Sequences https://leetcode.com/problems/repeated-dna-sequences/
1977 年,同时期德克萨斯大学 Robert S. Boyer 教授和 J Strother Moore 教授发明了一种新的字符串匹配算法,简称 BM 算法。该算法从模式串的尾部开始匹配,且最坏情况下的时间复杂度为 O(N)。在实践中,比 KMP 从模式串的开头开始匹配的算法效能高,但是这两种算法都需要对 P 进行预处理,算法实现复杂,大大降低的实用性。
A fast string searching algorithm R. Boyer, J. S. Moore Published 1977 Computer Science Commun.
Daniel M. Sunday, A very fast substring search algorithm, Communications of the ACM, v.33 n.8, p.132-142, Aug. 1990
Horspool R.N., 1980, Practical fast searching in strings, Software - Practice & Experience, 10(6):501-506
但 BM 算法也还不是现有字符串查找算法中最快的算法,更快的查找算法是 Sunday 算法,由 Daniel M.Sunday 在 1990 年提出,它的思想跟 BM 算法很相似,只不过 Sunday 算法是从前往后匹配,逻辑如下:
- 从头开始匹配,失败时关注的是 S 文本串中按 P 匹配长度的下一位置的字符,记为 M;
- 如果该字符不在模式串 P 中,这表示 M 位置之前不可能匹配,则下一轮匹配开始位置在偏移 len(P) 距离后;
- 如果该字符出现在模式 P 最右侧位置 Q 中,则将 Q 位置与 M 位置对齐后,再开始新一轮匹配搜索。
从右侧检索 P 中的字符位置这一点很关键,这可以保证对齐 S 序列中的 M 位置时不会错失可能匹配的子串。
S = "aloong"
P = "loon"
第一轮搜索 l:a 就不匹配,所以直接找到 len(P) 位置的 “n”,确认它在 P 串最右侧的位置,字符索引位置按 0 为起始值:
S = a l o o n g >>> S = a l o o n g
^ ^M = 4 >>> ^ ^M = 4
P = l o o n >>> P = l o o n
^ ^Q = 3 >>> ^ ^Q = 3
然后,再按对齐后的序列进入第二轮搜索,如果 M 位置的字符没有出现在 P 序列中,这种情况就是最好处理的,也是最有效率的,直接就只可以跳过一长段不可能匹配的子序列,大大提高的检索效率。同时,与 KMP 等算法相比,还可以不事先建立索引表。
class Sunday:
def lastOf(self, p, c):
l = len(p)
while l>-1:
l -= 1
if p[l] == c:
return l
def search(self, s, p):
i = 0 # string pointer
j = 0 # pattern pointer
while i < len(s):
if s[i] != p[j]:
# print(f"i,j = {i},{j} p:{len(p)} s:{len(s)}")
if i+j+1 >= len(s): break
if (n := i+len(p)-j) >= len(s): break
k = self.lastOf(p, s[n])
# print(f"k = {k} n = {n} {s[n]}:p{p}")
if k==-1:
i += len(p) - j + 1
i += len(p) - j - k
j = 0
elif j+1 == len(p):
ismain and print(f"""\
P: {p}
S: {s}
at: {"^"*len(p):>{i+1}} end pos: {i}
return i-len(p) + 1
i += 1
j += 1
ismain and print(f"S: {s} doesn't has P: {p}")
return -1
ismain = __name__ == '__main__'
if __name__ == '__main__':
v = Sunday()
v.search(p="llam", s="shellllama")
v.search(p="loon", s="aloong")
v.search(p="loog", s="loon")
v.search(p="loon", s="loon")
v.search(p="loon", s="loo")
v.search(p="ma", s="shellllama")
v.search(p="bib", s="bilibili")
v.search(p="ili", s="bilibili")
v.search(p="bibi", s="ilibili")
P: llam
S: shellllama
at: ^^^^ end pos: 8
P: loon
S: aloong
at: ^^^^ end pos: 4
P: loon
S: loon
at: ^^^^ end pos: 3
P: ma
S: shellllama
at: ^^ end pos: 9
P: ili
S: bilibili
at: ^^^ end pos: 3
at: ^^^^^^^^ end pos: 15
at: ^^^^ end pos: 3
Sunday 算法就像在移动一个匹配窗口,连续匹配时窗口就放大,匹配失败就根据 M 指示的字符来调整新窗口位置。实际上是对 BM 算法的优化,并且它更简单易实现。
Sunday 算法可以先对 P 建立查询表,再对 S 进行搜索。那表时的扫描顺序没有限制,为了提高最坏情况下的算法效率,可以对 P 字符按照其出现的概率从小到大的顺序扫描,这样能尽早地确定失配与否。
Horspool 算法的思想有个创新之处就是模式串是从右向左进行比较的,在不匹配情况处理手法和 Sunday 有类似特征。
from sunday_search import Sunday
from brute_search import Violent
from kmp_search import KnuthMorrisPratt as KMP
from jitter_search import JitterSearch
tests = [
dict(c=5, p="llam", s="shellllama"),
dict(c=1, p="loon", s="aloong"),
dict(c=-1, p="loog", s="loon"),
dict(c=0, p="loon", s="loon"),
dict(c=-1, p="loon", s="loo"),
dict(c=8, p="ma", s="shellllama"),
dict(c=-1, p="bib", s="bilibili"),
dict(c=1, p="ili", s="bilibili"),
dict(c=-1, p="bibi", s="ilibili"),
dict(c=35, p="Type", s="git clone git@github.com:Microsoft/TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin"),
dict(c=-1, p="Complexy",s="Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attack"),
dict(c=31, p="Hash", s="New Second-Preimage Attacks on Hash Functions"),
dict(c=31, p="4th", s="Robert Sedgewick - Algorithms, 4th Edition"),
dict(c=18, p="Closed", s="Open Hash Tables (Closed Addressing)"),
dict(c=20, p="Open", s="Closed Hash Tables (Open Addressing)"),
dict(c=20, p="using", s="Closed Hash Tables, using buckets"),
dict(c=27, p="3rd", s="Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition"),
dict(c=5, p="Fuzz", s=u"模糊测试(Fuzz Testing)是一种自动化的软件测试技术"),
dict(c=11, p="?", s=u"软件测试中如何测试算法?"),
def search_assert(s, p, c, d):
ret = d(s, p)
if isinstance(ret, list) and len(ret)>0: ret = ret[0]
if c == ret:
if c == -1:
print(f"✅pass: [{ret:>3}] ==> [{p}] is not in [{s}]")
print(f"✅pass: [{ret:>3}] ==> [{p}] is in [{s}]")
print(f"⛔fail: [{ret:>3}] expect [{c}] ==> [{p}] is in [{s}]")
def test():
print("Sunday search test:")
alg = Sunday()
for case in tests:
search_assert(**case, d=alg.search)
print("Violent search test:")
alg = Violent()
for case in tests:
search_assert(**case, d=alg.search)
print("KMP search test:")
alg = KMP()
for case in tests:
search_assert(**case, d=alg.search)
print("Jitter search test:")
alg = JitterSearch()
for case in tests:
search_assert(**case, d=alg.search)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Test Output:
Sunday search test:
✅pass: [ 5] ==> [llam] is in [shellllama]
✅pass: [ 1] ==> [loon] is in [aloong]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [loog] is not in [loon]
✅pass: [ 0] ==> [loon] is in [loon]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [loon] is not in [loo]
✅pass: [ 8] ==> [ma] is in [shellllama]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [bib] is not in [bilibili]
✅pass: [ 1] ==> [ili] is in [bilibili]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [bibi] is not in [ilibili]
✅pass: [ 0] ==> [AAAA] is in [AAAABAABAAAABAAABAAAA]
✅pass: [ 35] ==> [Type] is in [git clone git@github.com:Microsoft/TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [Complexy] is not in [Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attack]
✅pass: [ 31] ==> [Hash] is in [New Second-Preimage Attacks on Hash Functions]
✅pass: [ 31] ==> [4th] is in [Robert Sedgewick - Algorithms, 4th Edition]
✅pass: [ 18] ==> [Closed] is in [Open Hash Tables (Closed Addressing)]
✅pass: [ 20] ==> [Open] is in [Closed Hash Tables (Open Addressing)]
✅pass: [ 20] ==> [using] is in [Closed Hash Tables, using buckets]
✅pass: [ 27] ==> [3rd] is in [Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition]
✅pass: [ 5] ==> [Fuzz] is in [模糊测试(Fuzz Testing)是一种自动化的软件测试技术]
✅pass: [ 11] ==> [?] is in [软件测试中如何测试算法?]
Violent search test:
✅pass: [ 5] ==> [llam] is in [shellllama]
✅pass: [ 1] ==> [loon] is in [aloong]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [loog] is not in [loon]
✅pass: [ 0] ==> [loon] is in [loon]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [loon] is not in [loo]
✅pass: [ 8] ==> [ma] is in [shellllama]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [bib] is not in [bilibili]
✅pass: [ 1] ==> [ili] is in [bilibili]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [bibi] is not in [ilibili]
✅pass: [ 0] ==> [AAAA] is in [AAAABAABAAAABAAABAAAA]
✅pass: [ 35] ==> [Type] is in [git clone git@github.com:Microsoft/TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [Complexy] is not in [Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attack]
✅pass: [ 31] ==> [Hash] is in [New Second-Preimage Attacks on Hash Functions]
✅pass: [ 31] ==> [4th] is in [Robert Sedgewick - Algorithms, 4th Edition]
✅pass: [ 18] ==> [Closed] is in [Open Hash Tables (Closed Addressing)]
✅pass: [ 20] ==> [Open] is in [Closed Hash Tables (Open Addressing)]
✅pass: [ 20] ==> [using] is in [Closed Hash Tables, using buckets]
✅pass: [ 27] ==> [3rd] is in [Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition]
✅pass: [ 5] ==> [Fuzz] is in [模糊测试(Fuzz Testing)是一种自动化的软件测试技术]
✅pass: [ 11] ==> [?] is in [软件测试中如何测试算法?]
KMP search test:
✅pass: [ 5] ==> [llam] is in [shellllama]
✅pass: [ 1] ==> [loon] is in [aloong]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [loog] is not in [loon]
✅pass: [ 0] ==> [loon] is in [loon]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [loon] is not in [loo]
✅pass: [ 8] ==> [ma] is in [shellllama]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [bib] is not in [bilibili]
✅pass: [ 1] ==> [ili] is in [bilibili]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [bibi] is not in [ilibili]
✅pass: [ 0] ==> [AAAA] is in [AAAABAABAAAABAAABAAAA]
✅pass: [ 35] ==> [Type] is in [git clone git@github.com:Microsoft/TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [Complexy] is not in [Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attack]
✅pass: [ 31] ==> [Hash] is in [New Second-Preimage Attacks on Hash Functions]
✅pass: [ 31] ==> [4th] is in [Robert Sedgewick - Algorithms, 4th Edition]
✅pass: [ 18] ==> [Closed] is in [Open Hash Tables (Closed Addressing)]
✅pass: [ 20] ==> [Open] is in [Closed Hash Tables (Open Addressing)]
✅pass: [ 20] ==> [using] is in [Closed Hash Tables, using buckets]
✅pass: [ 27] ==> [3rd] is in [Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition]
✅pass: [ 5] ==> [Fuzz] is in [模糊测试(Fuzz Testing)是一种自动化的软件测试技术]
✅pass: [ 11] ==> [?] is in [软件测试中如何测试算法?]
Jitter search test:
✅pass: [ 5] ==> [llam] is in [shellllama]
✅pass: [ 1] ==> [loon] is in [aloong]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [loog] is not in [loon]
✅pass: [ 0] ==> [loon] is in [loon]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [loon] is not in [loo]
✅pass: [ 8] ==> [ma] is in [shellllama]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [bib] is not in [bilibili]
✅pass: [ 1] ==> [ili] is in [bilibili]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [bibi] is not in [ilibili]
✅pass: [ 0] ==> [AAAA] is in [AAAABAABAAAABAAABAAAA]
✅pass: [ 35] ==> [Type] is in [git clone git@github.com:Microsoft/TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin]
✅pass: [ -1] ==> [Complexy] is not in [Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attack]
✅pass: [ 31] ==> [Hash] is in [New Second-Preimage Attacks on Hash Functions]
✅pass: [ 31] ==> [4th] is in [Robert Sedgewick - Algorithms, 4th Edition]
✅pass: [ 18] ==> [Closed] is in [Open Hash Tables (Closed Addressing)]
✅pass: [ 20] ==> [Open] is in [Closed Hash Tables (Open Addressing)]
✅pass: [ 20] ==> [using] is in [Closed Hash Tables, using buckets]
✅pass: [ 27] ==> [3rd] is in [Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition]
✅pass: [ 5] ==> [Fuzz] is in [模糊测试(Fuzz Testing)是一种自动化的软件测试技术]
✅pass: [ 11] ==> [?] is in [软件测试中如何测试算法?]