This is aimed at providing the metadata of files uploaded by authenticated clients. The user is granted access to their dashboard when they signup. This can be achieved by filling the signup form on the landing page of the dashboard, which is available to all that visit the website.
This website is aimed to be cross-platform friendly, so it can be accessed by the users of different devices.
- Visit the platform to view basic information about it
- View and Interact with the documentation
- Register to view more details
- No access to use until registered
- Full access to the platform
- Allow users upload files (image, csv, pdf and json)
- Generate / Fetch meta data of the files uploaded
- Display meta data to users
- Allow export, download, share and website embed
- Allow user save data and come back to download
git clone
Make sure you have a set up python environment running (The version we use is python 3.10)
Route to the location of the stored folder
python runserver
Django version 4.1.3, using settings 'fetch_metadata.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.
Then ctrl + click the local address to open the server on your browser
Voila you have the system run locally!