A standard P2 2-D Discontinuous-Galerkin-Method program written by Fortran. This program includes:
Rectangular grid
P^2 Basis:{1, phi_1(X), phi_1(Y), phi_2(X), phi_1(X)*phi_1(Y), phi_2(Y)}. Where phi_0 = 1, phi_1 = X, phi_2 = X^2 - 1/3, X = (x - x_i)/(Delta x/2)
Initial value determined by L^2 projection
Three Fluxes: L-F, HLL and HLLC
One step Euler forward and RK3 time iteration modes
The TVB-Limiter (component wise)
Examples: Smooth Vortex, Orszag Tang Vortex, Rotor
L^2 error calculation
Save and draw the numerical solution(MATLAB)
You can modify the text 'com.txt' and the subroutine 'init_data.f90' to change above parameters.