A python library to simplify working with the High Energy Physics Tracking Machine Learning challenge dataset. It can be used for the datasets of both the accuracy phase and the throughput phase.
The package can be installed as a user package via
pip install --user <path/to/repository>
To make a local checkout of the repository available directly it can also be installed in development mode
pip install --user --editable <path/to/local/checkout>
In both cases, the package can be imported via import trackml
additional configuration. In the later case, changes made to the code are
immediately visible without having to reinstall the package.
To read the data for one event from the training dataset including the ground truth information:
from trackml.dataset import load_event
hits, cells, particles, truth = load_event('path/to/event000000123')
For the test dataset only the hit information is available. To read only this data:
from trackml.dataset import load_event
hits, cells = load_event('path/to/event000000456', parts=['hits', 'cells'])
To iterate over events in a dataset:
from trackml.dataset import load_dataset
for event_id, hits, cells, particles, truth in load_dataset('path/to/dataset'):
To read a single event and compute additional columns derived from the stored data:
from trackml.dataset import load_event
from trackml.utils import add_position_quantities, add_momentum_quantities, decode_particle_id
# get the particles data
particles = load_event('path/to/event000000123', parts=['particles'])
# decode particle id into vertex id, generation, etc.
particles = decode_particle_id(particles)
# add vertex rho, phi, r
particles = add_position_quantities(particles, prefix='v')
# add momentum eta, p, pt
particles = add_momentum_quantities(particles)
The dataset path can be the path to a directory or to a zip file containing the
events .csv
files. Each event is lazily loaded during the iteration. Options
are available to read only a subset of available events or only read selected
parts, e.g. only hits or only particles.
To generate a random test submission from truth information and compute the expected score:
from trackml.randomize import shuffle_hits
from trackml.score import score_event
shuffled = shuffle_hits(truth, 0.05) # 5% probability to reassign a hit
score = score_event(truth, shuffled)
All methods either take or return pandas.DataFrame
objects. You can have a
look at the function docstrings for detailed information.
The library was written by
- Moritz Kiehn
with contributions from
- Sabrina Amrouche
- David Rousseau
- Ilija Vukotic
- Nimar Arora
- Jon Nordby
- Yerkebulan Berdibekov
- Victor Estrade
All code is licensed under the MIT license.
A dataset comprises multiple independent events, where each event contains simulated measurements (essentially 3D points) of particles generated in a collision between proton bunches at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The goal of the tracking machine learning challenge is to group the recorded measurements or hits for each event into tracks, sets of hits that belong to the same initial particle. A solution must uniquely associate each hit to one track. The training dataset contains the recorded hits, their ground truth counterpart and their association to particles, and the initial parameters of those particles. The test dataset contains only the recorded hits.
Each dataset is usually provided as a single archive file. Once
unzipped, the dataset comprises a set of .csv[.gz]
files. Each event
can have up to four associated files that contain hits, hit cells,
particles, and the ground truth association between them. The common
prefix, e.g. event000000010
, is always event
followed by 9 digits.
Submissions must be provided as a single .csv
file for the whole
dataset, e.g.
The hits file contains the following values for each hit/entry:
- hit_id: numerical identifier of the hit inside the event.
- x, y, z: measured x, y, z position (in millimeter) of the hit in global coordinates.
- volume_id: numerical identifier of the detector group.
- layer_id: numerical identifier of the detector layer inside the group.
- module_id: numerical identifier of the detector module inside the layer.
The volume/layer/module id could in principle be deduced from x, y, z. They are given here to simplify detector-specific data handling.
The truth file contains the mapping between hits and generating particles and the true particle state at each measured hit. Each entry maps one hit to one particle.
- hit_id: numerical identifier of the hit as defined in the hits file.
- particle_id: numerical identifier of the generating particle as defined in the particles file. A value of 0 means that the hit did not originate from a reconstructible particle, but e.g. from detector noise.
- tx, ty, tz true intersection point in global coordinates (in millimeters) between the particle trajectory and the sensitive surface.
- tpx, tpy, tpz true particle momentum (in GeV/c) in the global coordinate system at the intersection point. The corresponding vector is tangent to the particle trajectory at the intersection point.
- weight per-hit weight used for the scoring metric; total sum of weights within one event equals to one.
The particles files contains the following values for each particle/entry:
- particle_id: numerical identifier of the particle inside the event.
- particle_type: numerical identifier of the particle type; the Particle Data Group Monte Carlo numbering scheme is used to identify specific particle types.
- vx, vy, vz: initial position or vertex (in millimeters) in global coordinates.
- px, py, pz: initial momentum (in GeV/c) along each global axis.
- q: particle charge (as multiple of the absolute electron charge).
- nhits: number of hits generated by this particle.
All entries contain the generated information or ground truth.
The cells file contains the constituent active detector cells that comprise each hit. The cells can be used to refine the hit to track association. A cell is the smallest granularity inside each detector module, much like a pixel on a screen, except that depending on the volume_id a cell can be a square or a long rectangle. It is identified by two channel identifiers that are unique within each detector module and encode the position, much like column/row numbers of a matrix. A cell can provide signal information that the detector module has recorded in addition to the position. Depending on the detector type only one of the channel identifiers is valid, e.g. for the strip detectors, and the value might have different resolution.
- hit_id: numerical identifier of the hit as defined in the hits file.
- ch0, ch1: channel identifier/coordinates unique within one module.
- value: signal value information, e.g. how much charge a particle has deposited.
The submission file must associate each hit in each event to one and only one reconstructed particle track. The reconstructed tracks must be uniquely identified only within each event.
- event_id: numerical identifier of the event; corresponds to the number found in the per-event file name prefix.
- hit_id: numerical identifier of the hit inside the event as defined in the per-event hits file.
- track_id: user-defined numerical identifier (non-negative integer) of the track.
The detector is built from silicon slabs (or modules, rectangular or trapezoïdal), arranged in cylinders and disks, which measure the position (or hits) of the particles that cross them. The detector modules are organized into detector groups or volumes identified by a volume_id. Inside a volume they are further grouped into layers identified by a layer_id. Each layer can contain an arbitrary number of detector modules, the smallest geometrically distinct detector object, each identified by a module_id. Within each group, detector modules are of the same type have e.g. the same granularity. All simulated detector modules are so-called semiconductor sensors that are build from thin silicon sensor chips. Each module can be represented by a two-dimensional, planar, bounded sensitive surface. These sensitive surfaces are subdivided into regular grids that define the detectors cells, the smallest granularity within the detector.
Each module has a different position and orientation described in the detectors file. A local, right-handed coordinate system is defined on each sensitive surface such that the first two coordinates u and v are on the sensitive surface and the third coordinate w is normal to the surface. The orientation and position are defined by the following transformation
pos_xyz = rotation_matrix * pos_uvw + offset
that transform a position described in local coordinates u,v,w into the equivalent position x,y,z in global coordinates using a rotation matrix and an offset.
- volume_id: numerical identifier of the detector group.
- layer_id: numerical identifier of the detector layer inside the group.
- module_id: numerical identifier of the detector module inside the layer.
- cx, cy, cz: position of the local origin in the described in the global coordinate system (in millimeter).
- rot_xu, rot_xv, rot_xw, rot_yu, ...: components of the rotation matrix to rotate from local u,v,w to global x,y,z coordinates.
- module_t: thickness of the detector module (in millimeter).
- module_minhu, module_maxhu: the minimum/maximum half-length of the module boundary along the local u direction (in millimeter).
- module_hv: the half-length of the module boundary along the local v direction (in millimeter).
- pitch_u, pitch_v: the size of detector cells along the local u and v direction (in millimeter).