Create simple webpages with this new code.
AcornScript only allows two lines of code right now but there will be more soon.
Try it out
To add an id to any of the elements, add the id name inside two #
To create a heading and text below it, use this example code.
*heading* 'This is a heading' ||??!!;;##
*text* 'This is an example text.' ||??!!;;##
To create a button that says "Hello"
*button* 'hello' ||??!!;;##
A text input with "Type here..." as the placeholder
*input* ;Type here...; ||??!!''##
A link to that says "Click here to go to DuckDuckGo"
*link* 'Click here to go to DuckDuckGo' || ??!!;;##
Useful tips
element * *
id # #
innerHTML ' '
src ? ?
width ! !
href | |
placeholder ; ;
*heading* 'About AcornScript' ||
*text* 'AcornScript lets you format text easily and add buttons, photos, videos and more, to easily make it more like a website. Each line of code must contain the special characters in pairs of two like they are written, unless you are only writing one line of code or only using the heading and text elements' ||
*link* 'Learn more' ||
Add the following code to an HTML file and put the AcornScript code between the first script tags.
<script id="fot" type="text/acornscript"></script>
<script src=""></script>