- English_readme
- 基于MiniCPMV2.0的跨模态搜索
- 冷启动构造function call数据
- AutoPlan 复杂agent
- AutoPlan2 冷启动构建复杂agent
- MBTI角色扮演
- MiniCPMV混合模态微调
- 4G显存玩转RAG
- MiniCPMV2.6的AWQ量化
- 如何获取MiniCPMV的图像和文字嵌入向量
- 文字定位与识别
- 输入待选图片:
- 输入query文字进行搜索:
- 得到与query最相近的图片。
- 实验结果: 300条验证集图文对,Top1匹配正确率高达96%。
"instruction": "You are a helpful assistant.",
"input": "Answer the following questions as best you can. You have access to the following tools:\n\nimage_gen_prompt: Call this tool to interact with the 图生文 API. What is the 图生文 API useful for? 图生文是一个可以看图生成文字描述的服务,输入一张图片的地址,将返回图片详细逼真的表述 Parameters: [{\"name\": \"image_path\", \"description\": \"需要图片描述的URL或者本地地址\", \"scope\": null, \"required\": true, \"schema\": {\"type\": \"string\"}}] Format the arguments as a JSON object.\n\nknowledge_graph: Call this tool to interact with the 知识图谱 API. What is the 知识图谱 API useful for? 知识图谱是输入武器种类获取该武器的属性,也可以输入某种属性获得所有武器的该属性 Parameters: [{\"name\": \"weapon_query\", \"description\": \"武器名称\", \"scope\": [\"直升机\", \"坦克\", \"反坦克导弹\", \"直升机\", \"火箭炮\", \"所有武器\"], \"required\": true, \"schema\": {\"type\": \"string\"}}, {\"name\": \"attribute\", \"description\": \"武器的属性\", \"scope\": [\"射程\", \"续航里程\", \"重量\", \"速度\", \"承载量\", \"适应场景\", \"克制武器\"], \"required\": true, \"schema\": {\"type\": \"string\"}}] Format the arguments as a JSON object.\n\nUse the following format:\n\nQuestion: the input question you must answer\nThought: you should always think about what to do\nAction: the action to take, should be one of [image_gen_prompt, knowledge_graph]\nAction Input: the input to the action\nObservation: the result of the action\n... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times)\nThought: I now know the final answer\nFinal Answer: the final answer to the original input question\n\nBegin!\n\nQuestion: 请问图生文工具能描述出www.baidu.com/img/PCtm_d9c8 seventy-five zero bed zero b three c seven d zero eight nine fa seven d five five seven two zero d six cf png.jpg里的建筑物是哪个城市吗?(注:这里的文件名是为了保持连贯性而做了微调)",
"output": "Thought: 我需要调用图生文API来获取图片的描述\nAction: image_gen_prompt\nAction Input: {\"image_path\": \"www.baidu.com/img/PCtm_d9c8_seventy-five_zero_bed_zero_b_three_c_seven_d_zero_eight_nine_fa_seven_d_five_five_seven_two_zero_d_six_cf_png.jpg\"}\nObservation: 一座雄伟的高楼矗立在城市中心,周围是繁华的商业区。这座建筑有着独特的外观设计,玻璃幕墙反射着阳光,显得格外耀眼。\nThought: 图生文API返回了图片描述\nFinal Answer: 这张图片中展示了一座位于城市中心的雄伟高楼。然而,图生文工具无法直接识别出具体的地理位置或建筑物名称。建议您根据其他信息来确定该建筑物所在的城市。"
"instruction": "You are a helpful assistant.",
"input": "Answer the following questions as best you can. You have access to the following tools:\n\nimage_gen_prompt: Call this tool to interact with the 图生文 API. What is the 图生文 API useful for? 图生文是一个可以看图生成文字描述的服务,输入一张图片的地址,将返回图片详细逼真的表述 Parameters: [{\"name\": \"image_path\", \"description\": \"需要图片描述的URL或者本地地址\", \"scope\": null, \"required\": true, \"schema\": {\"type\": \"string\"}}] Format the arguments as a JSON object.\n\nknowledge_graph: Call this tool to interact with the 知识图谱 API. What is the 知识图谱 API useful for? 知识图谱是输入武器种类获取该武器的属性,也可以输入某种属性获得所有武器的该属性 Parameters: [{\"name\": \"weapon_query\", \"description\": \"武器名称\", \"scope\": [\"直升机\", \"坦克\", \"反坦克导弹\", \"直升机\", \"火箭炮\", \"所有武器\"], \"required\": true, \"schema\": {\"type\": \"string\"}}, {\"name\": \"attribute\", \"description\": \"武器的属性\", \"scope\": [\"射程\", \"续航里程\", \"重量\", \"速度\", \"承载量\", \"适应场景\", \"克制武器\"], \"required\": true, \"schema\": {\"type\": \"string\"}}] Format the arguments as a JSON object.\n\nUse the following format:\n\nQuestion: the input question you must answer\nThought: you should always think about what to do\nAction: the action to take, should be one of [image_gen_prompt, knowledge_graph]\nAction Input: the input to the action\nObservation: the result of the action\n... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times)\nThought: I now know the final answer\nFinal Answer: the final answer to the original input question\n\nBegin!\n\nQuestion: 我需要知道www.baidu.com/img/PCtm_d ninety-five oh bed oh b three c seven d o eight nine fa seven d five five seven two zero d six cf.jpg(注:这里的文件名是为了保持连贯性而做了微调)中的物品名称,请帮助。",
"output": "Thought: 我需要使用图生文API来获取图片的描述,然后从描述中提取物品名称。\nAction: image_gen_prompt\nAction Input: {\"image_path\": \"www.baidu.com/img/PCtm_d ninety-five oh bed oh b three c seven d o eight nine fa seven d five five seven two zero d six cf.jpg\"}\nObservation: 一只黑白相间的猫坐在一张木桌上,背景是一面白色的墙。\nThought: 图片中主要的物品是“一只黑白相间的猫”和“一张木桌”。\nFinal Answer: 图片中的物品名称为:一只黑白相间的猫和一张木桌。"
"instruction": "You are a helpful assistant.",
"input": "Answer the following questions as best you can. You have access to the following tools:\n\nimage_gen_prompt: Call this tool to interact with the 图生文 API. What is the 图生文 API useful for? 图生文是一个可以看图生成文字描述的服务,输入一张图片的地址,将返回图片详细逼真的表述 Parameters: [{\"name\": \"image_path\", \"description\": \"需要图片描述的URL或者本地地址\", \"scope\": null, \"required\": true, \"schema\": {\"type\": \"string\"}}] Format the arguments as a JSON object.\n\nknowledge_graph: Call this tool to interact with the 知识图谱 API. What is the 知识图谱 API useful for? 知识图谱是输入武器种类获取该武器的属性,也可以输入某种属性获得所有武器的该属性 Parameters: [{\"name\": \"weapon_query\", \"description\": \"武器名称\", \"scope\": [\"直升机\", \"坦克\", \"反坦克导弹\", \"直升机\", \"火箭炮\", \"所有武器\"], \"required\": true, \"schema\": {\"type\": \"string\"}}, {\"name\": \"attribute\", \"description\": \"武器的属性\", \"scope\": [\"射程\", \"续航里程\", \"重量\", \"速度\", \"承载量\", \"适应场景\", \"克制武器\"], \"required\": true, \"schema\": {\"type\": \"string\"}}] Format the arguments as a JSON object.\n\nUse the following format:\n\nQuestion: the input question you must answer\nThought: you should always think about what to do\nAction: the action to take, should be one of [image_gen_prompt, knowledge_graph]\nAction Input: the input to the action\nObservation: the result of the action\n... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times)\nThought: I now know the final answer\nFinal Answer: the final answer to the original input question\n\nBegin!\n\nQuestion: 我想知道坦克的射程是多少?",
"output": "Thought: 我需要调用知识图谱API来获取坦克的射程信息。\nAction: knowledge_graph\nAction Input: {\"weapon_query\": \"坦克\", \"attribute\": \"射程\"}\nObservation: 该武器不存在,或该属性不存在,请检查输入。\nThought: 输入的武器名称和属性可能有误,我需要再次尝试获取信息。\nAction: knowledge_graph\nAction Input: {\"weapon_query\": \"坦克\", \"attribute\": \"射程\"}\n"
- 输入query:
- 获得任务分解
- 获得任务执行
- 获得最终答案
飞书教程地址 使用方法如下:
- 获取个人autoawq分支
git clone https://github.com/LDLINGLINGLING/AutoAWQ cd AutoAWQ git checkout minicpmv2.6 pip install e .
- 将MiniCPM_Series_Tutorial/MiniCPMV2_6_awq/modeling_minicpmv.py文件替换掉minicpmv2.6模型保存路径下的同名文件
- 修改MiniCPM_Series_Tutorial/MiniCPMV2_6_awq/quantize.py中的model_path为你minicpmv2.6的保存路径。
- 运行quantize.py
首先,你需要从GitHub上克隆本项目 adan_application
git clone https://github.com/LDLINGLINGLING/adan_application.git
接下来,用下载的项目中的 modeling_minicpmv.py
文件替换本地 MiniCPMV2.6
cp adan_application/get_minicpmv2.6_embeding/modeling_minicpmv.py /path/to/MiniCPM-V-2_6/modeling_minicpmv.py
请确保将 /path/to/MiniCPMV2.6
替换为你本地 MiniCPMV2.6
修改 adan_application/get_minicpmv2.6_embeding/inference.py
文件中的 main
def main() -> None:
images = ['/root/ld/ld_dataset/30k_data/60938244/42.jpg'] # 图像路径列表,例如:['/ld/image_path/1.jpg', '/ld/image_path/2.jpg']
queries = ['hello'] # 文本查询列表,例如:["图片中有一只黑白相间的狗", "一个孩子正在吃棒棒糖"]
model_name = "/root/ld/ld_model_pretrain/MiniCPM-V-2_6" # 模型路径
在 inference.py
import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from tqdm import tqdm
def main() -> None:
images = ['/root/ld/ld_dataset/30k_data/60938244/42.jpg'] # 图像路径列表,例如:['/ld/image_path/1.jpg', '/ld/image_path/2.jpg']
queries = ['hello'] # 文本查询列表,例如:["图片中有一只黑白相间的狗", "一个孩子正在吃棒棒糖"]
model_name = "/root/ld/ld_model_pretrain/MiniCPM-V-2_6" # 模型路径
# 加载模型
model = ... # 根据你的模型加载方法加载模型
# 图像数据加载器
image_dataloader = DataLoader(
collate_fn=lambda x: data_collator_image(x),
# 获取图像嵌入向量
for batch_img in tqdm(image_dataloader):
batch_img = {k: (v.to("cuda") if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) else v) for k, v in batch_img.items()}
with torch.no_grad():
embeddings_img = model.get_vllm_embedding(batch_img) # 在这里我们获取图像向量
# 文本数据加载器
dataloader = DataLoader(
collate_fn=lambda x: data_collator_query(x),
# 获取文本嵌入向量
for batch_text in tqdm(dataloader):
with torch.no_grad():
batch_text = batch_text.to("cuda")
embeddings_query = model(data=batch_text, use_cache=False).logits # 在这里我们获取文本向量
if __name__ == '__main__':