This is a 65C02 based computer with on-board Serial, Parallel IO, PS/2 Keyboard support and 3 expansion slots.
A VGA card will come later as an expansion card
I am designing this in Circuitmaker, You can find the Circuitmaker project here
The Memory map I am using is currently as follows:
0x0000-0xCFFF: RAM
0xD000-0xD0FF: UART
0xD100-0xD1FF: VIA
0xD200-0xD2FF: IO Select 2
0xD300-0xD3FF: IO Select 3
0xD400-0xDFFF: Unused
0xE000-0xFFFF: ROM
This can be changed to suit your needs simply by changing the configuration of the CPLD.
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