DexMovies API is a RESTful API developed by Lucas 'Kodex' using NodeJS and MongoDB. The DexMovies API was developed with learning in mind. Current API features are documented below.
Elements are understood as Documents of the database like a Movie or a Character.
- POST - Create a new element
- GET - Read various elements or just a single one
- PUT - Update informations of a specified element
- DELETE - Delete a specified element
Always using the same endpoint for all operations for the specific element collection. You can also use a query string with GET and DELETE method to retrieve only one element.
- apiName -> It will always be "DexMovies". It is only for information
- apiVersion
- major -> Major version of the API
- minor -> Minor version of the API
- patch -> Patch version of the API
- status -> HTTP satus code of request
- message -> Message for the requested operation like "Movie not found", "Character successfully created"
- authorized -> Notifies if the client is actually authorized by OAuth 2.0. (There's no difference between an authorized client and a not authorized client)
- data -> Data response for request. Always an Array of elements correctly structured in the way documented. It will be an Array of elements even if there's only one or no one element
Example of a Default Response:
"username":"My UTF-8 User",
"password":"SHA3-256 hash",
"description":"Description of the movie",
"actor":"Actor Name",
"movie":"Movie ID"
You will need to configure the enviroment variables.
Endpoint | Method | Description |
/users/register | POST | Register a new user |
/users/login | POST | Authenticate a registered user |
/users | GET | Retrieve the list of users (Only for Admin) |
/users | PUT | Update the user password |
/users | DELETE | Delete the user account |
Endpoint | Method | Description |
/characters | POST | Create a new character, one per request |
/characters | GET | Retrieve all the characters |
/characters?id={id} | GET | Retrieve a specific character |
/characters?movie={id} | GET | Retrieve all the characters from a specified movie |
/characters | PUT | Edit a existent character (You need to pass the field "id" in the body) |
/characters?id={id} | DELETE | Delete an existent character |
Endpoint | Method | Description |
/movies | POST | Create a new movie, one per request |
/movies | GET | Retrieve all the movies |
/movies?id={id} | GET | Retrieve all the movies |
/movies | PUT | Edit an existent movie (You need to pass the field "id" in the body) |
/movies?id={id} | DELETE | Delete an existent character |