To install the project, clone this repo, then enter the root directory and run this command:
./run quickstart
This will run a sequence of commands to build the docker containers and install and generate required code. It will also create and pre seed the database with data.
You can then access PHPMyAdmin on [http://localhost:8081] and you should see the database created and populated with seed data.
Everything is being done in containers.
To make this easier, commands have been coded into the ./run script. If you run it without arguments you can see the help
To run a production server, use this command:
run prod
To get the system running in development mode, use this command:
./run dev
This will then spin up a hot reloading dev server. You can access the front end on [http://localhost:3000].
As you make changes and save them, the page will automatically update so you can see your changes in pretty close to real time.
This project features client side (browser) and server side code. You can debug both of these code bases, or even both combined (docs TODO)
If you want to debug the code that is running the browser then you should use the Next.js: debug client-side
configuration in launch.json
First, make sure the dev server is running (./run dev
In the bottom bar of VSCode, you can see the debug options, choose teh correct one and launch it.
This will then open a chrome window and attach to debugging. You can then set breakpoints and work on your code. Note this will only let you debug client side code, not anything backend (eg api pages).
To debug the development server is a little more involved. The reason being that the actual process you want to debug is a child process of the command you have to run.
This is the code that runs the API backend and other backend code in Next.
To run the dev server in debug mode, use this command:
./run debug
You will see output like:
Run Dev Server with Debugging for local development and debugging
+ docker compose run -p 9229:9229 -p 9230:9230 -p 3000:3000 --rm runner bash -c ' node --inspect-brk= ./node_modules/.bin/next dev'
[+] Running 1/0
⠿ Container fr-inventory-mysql-1 Running 0.0s
Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see:
You then need to attach to the first debug session which is running on port 9229. You just simple connect and then press teh play button to get this one to continue. There is already a debug profile configured in the launch.json file called Docker: Attach to Node
- use this one for this step
You should see multiple debugger attached messages
Debugger attached.
Debugger attached.
Debugger attached.
Debugger attached.
Once you connect and press play, a new debug session will be started on port 9230 - this is the one you actually want to debug
Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see:
For attaching to this one, we have another configuration in launch.json file called Docker: Attach to Next Dev
- use this one to attach to the actual dev server.
Once this one is attached, you should hit breakpoints in your server side code.
This project is optimised to work with vscode.
There are some preconfigured recommended extensions for VSCode
To install these, open the command pallete ([Ctrl]
) and then type "show recommended extensions" and you will be given an easy view to install them
Some are more essential than others, but they are all good
There are pre defined configurations for vscode that will do things like automatically format on save. We also have a predefined debug runner which will allow you to debug code that is running inside the container. You can see all these files in the .vscode folder.
The settings file contains specific settings that are required for this project.
You can read more about this in the vscode docs
The launch file contains specific configs for debug running. The configuration has everything required to debug nodejs inside the container.
To debug something, you should use the command
./run node-debug path/to/script/or/args
This will run the node script and will break on the first line. Once that is running and paused at the first line, you can then connect to that debugger via the VSCode debugger and commence normal debugging.
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
First, run the development server:
./run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.tsx
. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
API routes can be accessed on http://localhost:3000/api/hello. This endpoint can be edited in pages/api/hello.ts
The pages/api
directory is mapped to /api/*
. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.
Using Docker Compose to manage required services and build an environment
Things like usernames and passwords are managed in the .env file. This file is not tracked by Git, however there is a copy called .env-dist. You should copy this file to .env
cp .env-dist .env
To get it running, or to update the running version with the latest changes in the compose file, use
docker compose up -d
(If you need to see debug info from the containers, run without the -d
To stop the running containers but not destroy anyting, run
docker compose stop
To stop and remove containers
docker compose down
To totally destroy containers and all data including DB etc
docker compose down -v
We're using Prisma as the ORM
There are a few run commands to help manage the database
DB Push will force push the current model structure into to the database. It will not create migrations and it may destroy data if columns are removed. Whilst developing the MVP this is fine, there should not be any important data in the DB.
Generate will create the required client library files for our code to work with the ORM and access the database. This is required as a first step
./run generate
DB Push will force push the current model structure into to the database. It will not create migrations and it may destroy data if columns are removed. Whilst developing the MVP this is fine, there should not be any important data in the DB.
./run db-push
DB Fill will populate the database with data as defined in the ./prisma/seed.ts script
./run db-fill
We're using
This gives us an easy way to do proper integration tests that really interact with the database so we get a lot more certainity that things really work.
Each test is wrapped in a transaction, and that transaction is then rolled back. This means that tests don't actually pollute the database and makes testing a lot easier.
The frontend is standard NextJS and used React
You will want to make sure you have this extension installed for Chrome
This system is using MUI components. This allows us to quickly add functionality using high quality components.
The data grid provides a table/spreadsheet type functionality
We are trying to implement full CRUD:
- prisma/prisma#12458