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optimization of ribosome P-site positioning in ribosome profiling data


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R package for calculation of optimal P-site offsets, diagnostic analysis and visual inspection of ribosome profiling data

Table of contents


Ribosome profiling is a powerful technique used to study translation at the genome-wide level, generating unique information concerning ribosome positions along RNAs. Optimal localization of ribosomes requires the proper identification of the ribosome P-site in each ribosome protected fragment, a crucial step to determine trinucleotide periodicity of translating ribosomes and draw correct conclusions concerning where ribosomes are located. To determine the P-site within ribosome footprints at nucleotide resolution, the precise estimation of its offset with respect to the protected fragment is necessary.

riboWaltz is an R package for calculation of optimal P-site offsets, diagnostic analysis and visual inspection of ribosome profiling data. Taking advantage of a two-step algorithm where offset information is passed through populations of reads with different length in order to maximize offset coherence, riboWaltz computes with high precision the P-site offset. riboWaltz also provides a variety of graphical representations, laying the foundations for further accurate RiboSeq analyses and improved interpretation of positional information.

Citing riboWaltz

Please cite the following article when using riboWaltz:

Lauria F, Tebaldi T, Bernabò P, Groen EJN, Gillingwater TH, Viero G. riboWaltz: Optimization of ribosome P-site positioning in ribosome profiling data. PLoS Comput Biol. 2018 Aug 13;14(8):e1006169.




Before starting


riboWaltz requires R version >= 3.3.0 and the following packages:

  • CRAN
    • data.table (>=
    • ggplot2 (>= 2.2.1)
    • ggrepel (>= 0.6.5)
  • Bioconductor
    • Biostrings (>= 2.46.0)
    • GenomicAlignments (>= 1.14.1)
    • GenomicFeatures (>= 1.24.5)
    • GenomicRanges (>= 1.24.3)
    • IRanges (>= 2.12.0)

All dependencies are automatically installed running the code in the next section.



To install riboWaltz directly from GitHub the devtools package is required. If not already installed on your system, run


Otherwise, load devtools and install riboWaltz by

install_github("LabTranslationalArchitectomics/riboWaltz", dependencies = TRUE)

Please note: to install riboWaltz generating the vignette replace the last command with:

install_github("LabTranslationalArchitectomics/riboWaltz", dependencies = TRUE, 
		build_vignettes = TRUE)


riboWaltz is also available through Conda and can be installed into the current environment by following these instructions.


To load riboWaltz run


Getting help

The following sections illustrate how to make use of riboWaltz by introducing all functions included in the package and reporting most of the data structures and graphical outputs generated with the default options. Similar information are reported in the vignette returned by


For additional examples and further details about the meaning and usage of all parameters in a function run



help(package = riboWaltz)

A complete reference manual is available here.

Bugs and errors can be reported at the issues page on GitHub. Before filing new issues, please read the documentation and take a look at currently open and already closed discussions.

From BAM files to P-site offsets


Note 1

riboWaltz currently works for read alignments based on transcript coordinates. This choice is due to the main purpose of RiboSeq assays to study translational events through the isolation and sequencing of ribosome protected fragments. Reads from RiboSeq are supposed to map on mRNAs and not on introns and intergenic regions. BAM based on transcript coordinates can be generated alinging the reads i) directly against transcript sequences or ii) against standard chromosome sequences and forcing the outputs to be translated in transcript coordinates.

The first option can be easily handled by many aligners (e.g. Bowtie), given a reference FASTA file where each sequence represents a transcript, from the beginning of the 5' UTR to the end of the 3' UTR. The second procedure is based on reference FASTA files where each sequence represents a chromosome, usually coupled with comprehensive gene annotation files (GTF or GFF). The STAR aligner with its option -quantMode TranscriptomeSAM (see the section "Output in transcript coordinates" of its manual), is an example of tool providing such a feature.

Note 2

Multiple functions described below can accept and return both list of data tables and GRangesList objects. For convenience, all example datasets included in the package, as well as the whole ReadMe, are based on and refer to data tables.

Acquiring input files

One or multiple BAM files are read, converted into data tables and arranged in a list by running function bamtolist. It only requires the path to the folder storing the BAM files and an annotation data table (see below for additional information). It is suggested to rename the BAM files before their acquisition in order to maintain the same nomenclatures through the whole analysis. However, it is possible to assign new names to the samples during their acquisition thanks to the name_samples parameter. If the BAM file(s) come from a transcriptome alignment (intended as an alignment against reference transcript sequences), reads mapping on the negative strand should not be present and, if any, they are automatically removed. The syntax for running bamtolist is:

reads_list <- bamtolist(bamfolder = "path/to/BAM/files", annotation = annotation_dt)

The resulting data tables contain, for each read: i) the name of the corresponding reference sequence (i.e. of the transcript on which it aligns); ii) its leftmost and rightmost position with respect to the 1st nucleotide of the reference sequence; iii) its length; iv) the leftmost and rightmost position of the annotated CDS of the reference sequence (if any) with respect to its 1st nucleotide. Please note: start and stop codon positions for transcripts without annotated CDS are set to 0. An example of bamtolist output is provided by the reads_list dataset included in the package. It is a list of one element called Samp1 that mainly contains information about reads aligning on the translation initiation site (this is a subset of the original dataset produced by the authors, available here). The data table looks as follow:

transcript end5 end3 length cds_start cds_stop
ENSMUST00000000001.4 92 119 28 142 1206
ENSMUST00000000001.4 94 122 29 142 1206
ENSMUST00000000001.4 131 159 29 142 1206
ENSMUST00000000001.4 132 158 27 142 1206
ENSMUST00000000001.4 140 167 28 142 1206
ENSMUST00000000001.4 142 170 29 142 1206

Alternatively, BAM files can be first converted into BED files by the function bamtobed and then into a list of data tables through the function bedtolist. Please note: bamtobed relies on the bamtobed utility of the BEDTools suite (here the instructions for the installation). Since the BEDTools suite has been developed for command line environments, bamtobed can be only run on UNIX, LINUX and Apple OS X operating systems. Once BED files are generated, it is possible to switch to any other machine without further restrictions. Nevertheless, the authors suggest the use of bamtolist.

bamtobed generate BED files that contain, for each read: i) the name of the corresponding reference sequence (i.e. of the transcript on which it aligns); ii) its leftmost and rightmost position with respect to the 1st nucleotide of the reference sequence; iii) its length; iv) the strand on which it aligns. bamtobed requires the path to the folder storing the BAM files and, optionally, the path to the directory where the BED files should be stored. The The syntax for running bamtobed is:

bamtobed(bamfolder = "path/to/BAM/files", bedfolder = "path/to/output/directory")

Then, one or multiple BED files produced by bamtobed are read, converted into data tables and arranged in a list by running bedtolist. It also attaches two columns to the original data containing, for each read, the leftmost and rightmost position of the annotated CDS of the reference sequence (if any) with respect to its 1st nucleotide. Please note: start and stop codon positions for transcripts without annotated CDS are set to 0. bedtolist requires the path to the folder storing the BED files and an annotation file. Its syntax is as follow:

reads_list <- bedtolist(bedfolder = "path/to/BED/files", annotation = annotation_dt)

Filtering options

riboWaltz provides two functions aimed at filtering the reads by removing duplicated reads (duplicates_filter) and/or selecting specific read lengths (length_filter). These functions can be run in any order and generate sub-datasets that can be then used as input for all downstream analyses. Both functions are briefly illustrated below, together with some examples based on the following ad hoc dataset (note: row IDs were stored in an additional column to keep track of retained and removed lines):

row_ID transcript end5 end3 length cds_start cds_stop
1 ENSMUST00000000001.4 92 119 28 142 1206
2 ENSMUST00000000001.4 92 119 28 142 1206
3 ENSMUST00000000001.4 92 122 31 142 1206
4 ENSMUST00000000001.4 94 122 29 142 1206
5 ENSMUST00000000001.4 94 123 30 142 1206
6 ENSMUST00000000001.4 95 123 29 142 1206

Removal of duplicated reads

Ribosome profiling data are usually affected by duplicated reads. Duplicates may be either representative of meaningful biological information on ribosome stalling or generated by PCR amplification during library preparation. Thus, it is unclear whether removing read duplicates improves or decreases the accuracy of the dataset and duplicates removal is a matter of a long-running debate. For the users who are interested in computationally remove the duplicates riboWaltz provides duplicates_filter. This function includes two parameters (extremity and start) for defining which reads should be considered duplicates and which ones must be kept.

  1. Reads are duplicates if they map on the same transcript and share both the 5' extremity and the 3' extremity.

     filtered_list <- duplicates_filter(data = example_reads_list,
     				    extremity = "both")
    row_ID transcript end5 end3 length cds_start cds_stop
    1 ENSMUST00000000001.4 92 119 28 142 1206
    3 ENSMUST00000000001.4 92 122 31 142 1206
    4 ENSMUST00000000001.4 94 122 29 142 1206
    5 ENSMUST00000000001.4 94 123 30 142 1206
    6 ENSMUST00000000001.4 95 123 29 142 1206
  2. Reads are duplicates if they map on the same transcript and only share the 5' extremity. Among duplicated reads we keep the shortes one.

     filtered_list <- duplicates_filter(data = example_reads_list,
     				    extremity = "5end",
     				    keep = "shortest")
    row_ID transcript end5 end3 length cds_start cds_stop
    1 ENSMUST00000000001.4 92 119 28 142 1206
    4 ENSMUST00000000001.4 94 122 29 142 1206
    6 ENSMUST00000000001.4 95 123 29 142 1206
  3. Reads are duplicates if they map on the same transcript and only share the 3' extremity. Among duplicated reads we keep the longest one.

     filtered_list <- duplicates_filter(data = example_reads_list,
     				    extremity = "3end",
     				    keep = "longest")
    transcript end5 end3 length cds_start cds_stop
    1 ENSMUST00000000001.4 92 119 28 142
    3 ENSMUST00000000001.4 92 122 31 142
    5 ENSMUST00000000001.4 94 123 30 142

Selection of read lengths

Different lengths of ribosome protected fragments may derive from alternative ribosome conformations. Therefore, the researcher should be free to modify the tolerance for the selection of read lengths according to the aim of the experiment. Furthermore, short reads (<20 nts) might not be representative of prokaryotic or eukaryotic ribosomes, which usually cover ~23 nts and ~28 nts, respectively. To keep biologically meaningful data and avoid potential issues in downstream analyses (e.g. the addition of specific columns through function psite_info and its parameter site and the generation of plots provided by codon_usage_psite), it is strongly suggested to filter short reads out. Otherwise, due to unusual P-site localization they might be automatically discarded while running psite_info.

To handle read lengths, riboWaltz provides multiple options included in function length_filter:

  1. Periodicity threshold mode: only read lengths satisfying a periodicity threshold (i.e. a higher percentage of read extremities falls in one of the three reading frames along the CDS) are kept.

     filtered_list <- length_filter(data = example_reads_list,
     				length_filter_mode = "periodicity",
     				periodicity_threshold = 70)
  2. Manual mode: only read lengths specified by the user are kept.

     filtered_list <- length_filter(data = example_reads_list,
     			        length_filter_mode = "custom",
     				length_range = 29:30)
    transcript end5 end3 length cds_start cds_stop
    4 ENSMUST00000000001.4 94 122 29 142
    5 ENSMUST00000000001.4 94 123 30 142
    6 ENSMUST00000000001.4 95 123 29 142

Annotation data table

A reference annotation file is required by many functions included in the package. The annotation file must be a data table of at least five columns reporting, for each reference transcript, its name, its length and the length of its annotated 5' UTR, CDS and 3'UTR. Please note: if a transcript region is not annotated its length is set to 0. The annotation file can be either provided by the user or generated starting from GTF/GFF files or TxDb objects by running the function create_annotation. Please make sure the GTF/GFF or the TxDb object the derives from the same release of the sequences used in the alignment step. Here an example of the output:

transcript l_tr l_utr5 l_cds l_utr3
ENSMUST00000000001.4 3262 141 1065 2056
ENSMUST00000000003.11 902 140 525 237
ENSMUST00000000010.8 2574 85 753 1736
ENSMUST00000000028.11 2143 313 1701 129
ENSMUST00000000033.9 3708 115 543 3050
ENSMUST00000000049.5 1190 51 1038 101

P-site offset

The P-site offsets (POs) are computed by the function psite starting from a list of data tables generated by bamtolist, bedtolist or length_filter. The PO is defined as the distance between the extremities of a read and the first nucleotide of the P-site itself. psite processes all samples separately starting from reads mapping on the reference codon (either the start codon or the second to last codon, specified by start) of any annotated coding sequences. Read lengths-specific POs are inferred in two steps. First, reads mapping on the reference codon are grouped according to their length, each group corresponding to a bin. Reads whose extremities are too close to the reference codon are discarded (see the flanking parameter). For each bin temporary 5' and 3' POs are defined as the distances between the first nucleotide of the reference codon and the nucleotide corresponding to the global maximum found in the profiles of the 5' and the 3' end at the left and at the right of the reference codon, respectively. After the identification of the P-site for all reads aligning on the reference codon, the POs corresponding to each length are assigned to each read of the dataset. Second, the most frequent temporary POs associated with the optimal extremity (see the extremity parameter) and the predominant bins are exploited as reference values for correcting the temporary POs of smaller bins. Briefly, the correction step defines for each length bin a new PO based on the local maximum, whose distance from the reference codon is the closest to the most frequent temporary POs. For further details please refer to the riboWaltz article, available here.

For each sample psite prints on the screen the extremity chosen for the computation of the P-site offsets and the value upon which the correction is based. The offsets computed by psite are stored in a data table. Note: a non-filtered list of data tables is used as input in the following examples. If a filtered list was generated by either removing duplicated reads or discarding specific read lengths, it must be used for all downstream analyses, starting from the computation of the P-site offsets.

psite_offset <- psite(reads_list, flanking = 6, extremity = "auto")

The resulting data table contains, for all samples and read lengths: i) the percentage of reads in the whole dataset, ii) the percentage of reads aligning on the start codon (if any); iii) the distance of the P-site from the two extremities of the reads before and after the correction step; iv) the name of the sample:

length total_percentage start_percentage around_start offset_from_5 offset_from_3 corrected_offset_from_5 corrected_offset_from_3 sample
19 0.715 0.110 T 12 6 8 10 Samp1
20 0.811 0.194 T 12 7 7 12 Samp1
21 0.992 0.223 T 15 5 7 13 Samp1
22 0.921 0.364 T 6 15 10 11 Samp1
23 1.112 0.974 T 6 16 12 10 Samp1
24 1.892 1.722 T 7 16 7 16 Samp1

Optionally, ribosome occupancy profiles based on the 5' and 3' extremity of reads mapping on the reference codon is generated for all samples and read lengths (see the plot parameter). Examples for reads of 28 and 31 nucleotides are shown below. Optimal offsets (dotted black lines) and inferred offsets before and after the correction step are reported as dashed and continuous vertical lines, respectively. The regions around the reference codon defined by the flanking parameter are shaded.

After the identification of the P-site offsets, the original data tables containing reads information must be updated accordingly.

reads_psite_list <- psite_info(reads_list, psite_offset)

psite_info attaches to each data table four columns reporting i) the P-site position with respect to the 1st nucleotide of the transcript, ii) the P-site position with respect to the start and the stop codon of the annotated coding sequence (if any) and iii) the region of the transcript (5' UTR, CDS, 3' UTR) that includes the P-site. Please note: for transcripts not associated with any annotated CDS the position of the P-site with respect to the start and the stop codon is set to NA. Here an example:

transcript end5 psite end3 length cds_start cds_stop psite_from_start psite_from_stop psite_region
ENSMUST00000000001.4 92 103 119 28 142 1206 -39 -1103 5utr
ENSMUST00000000001.4 94 106 122 29 142 1206 -36 -1100 5utr
ENSMUST00000000001.4 131 143 159 29 142 1206 1 -1063 cds
ENSMUST00000000001.4 132 142 158 27 142 1206 0 -1064 cds
ENSMUST00000000001.4 140 151 167 28 142 1206 9 -1055 cds
ENSMUST00000000001.4 142 154 170 29 142 1206 12 -1052 cds

Optionally, additional columns reporting the three nucleotides covered by the P-site, the A-site and the E-site are attached. This feature requires transcript or genome assembly (chromosome) nucleotide sequences in FASTA format. Alternatively, a BSGenome data package can be used for sequence retrieval. Nucleotide sequences of genome assemblies (chromosome sequences) and BSGenome data packages must be coupled with a GTF/GFF file or a TxDb object providing genomic annotations. For further details please refer to the documentation of psite_info running ?psite_info.

Nucleotide sequences covered by the P-site, A-site or the E-site are required for performing further analyses such as to compute the number of in-frame P-sites, the percentage of P-sites falling in the three transcript regions, verify the trinucleotide periodicity of the reads along the coding sequence and generate metaplots, as discussed in the next sections.

Codon and CDS/transcript coverage

riboWaltz includes two functions, codon_coverage and cds_coverage, providing quantitative information based on P-sites positions.

Codon coverage

codon_coverage computes the number of read footprints or P-sites mapping on each triplet of annotated coding sequences and UTRs. Such data can be exploited to generate occupancy profiles at codon resolution showing the abundance of ribosome protected fragments along single transcripts (a function providing single profiles is currently under development by the authors). codon_coverage divides the sequence of every transcript in triplets starting from the annotated translation initiation site (if any) and proceeding towards the UTRs extremities, possibly discarding the exceeding 1 or 2 nucleotides at the extremities of the transcript.

codon_coverage_example <- codon_coverage(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna, psite = FALSE)

The resulting data table contains, for each triplet: i) the name of the corresponding reference sequence (i.e. of the transcript to which it belongs); ii) its leftmost and rightmost position with respect to the 1st nucleotide of the reference sequence; iii) its position with respect to the 1st and the last codon of the annotated CDS of the reference sequence; iv) the region of the transcript (5' UTR, CDS, 3' UTR) it is in; v) the number of read footprints or P-sites falling in that region for all samples:

transcript start end from_cds_start from_cds_stop region Samp1
ENSMUST00000000001.4 90 93 -17 -371 5utr 1
ENSMUST00000000001.4 93 96 -16 -370 5utr 2
ENSMUST00000000001.4 96 99 -15 -369 5utr 2
ENSMUST00000000001.4 99 102 -14 -368 5utr 2
ENSMUST00000000001.4 102 105 -13 -367 5utr 2
ENSMUST00000000001.4 105 108 -12 -366 5utr 2

CDS and transcript coverage

cds_coverage computes the number of P-sites mapping on annotated coding sequences or whole transcripts. Such data can be used as starting point for downstream quantitative analyses (e.g. differential analyses) based on ribosome protected fragments. By default, only in-frame P-sites falling in annotated coding sequences are considered and no nucleotides at the beginning or at the end of the CDSs are excluded for restricting the analysis to a portion of the original coding sequences. These settings can be modifyed through the parameters in_frame, start_nts and start_nts. Moreover, the parameter whole_transcript specifies if whole transcripts should be considered instead of the annotated coding sequence. The basic command

cds_coverage_example <- cds_coverage(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna)

returns a data table containing, for each transcript: i) its name; ii) the length of its annotated coding sequence (if any); iii) the number of P-sites falling in its annotated coding sequence for all samples:

transcript length Samp1
ENSMUST00000000001.4 1065 31
ENSMUST00000000003.11 525 0
ENSMUST00000000010.8 753 0
ENSMUST00000000028.11 1701 2
ENSMUST00000000033.9 543 26
ENSMUST00000000049.5 1038 0

Graphical outputs

The following sections describe all the functions in riboWaltz generating graphical outputs by illustrating their parameters, syntax and graphical output. For further examples and additional details about parameters and data structures please refer to the documentation of the single functions (by running ?name_function) or to the riboWaltz reference manual (here).


Samples and replicates

All the functions in riboWaltz generating graphical outputs can handle one or multiple replicates for each sample of interest. Thus, it is possible to compare plots based on population of reads from either a variety of biological conditions or subsets of the same dataset. Two parameters are required to specify samples andreplicates and how to handle them:

  • sample can be either a character string, a character string vector or a named list of character string(s)/character string vector(s). It specifies the name of the sample(s) and replicate(s) of interest. If a list is provided, each element of the list is considered as an independent sample associated with one ore multiple replicates.
  • multisamples can be set to either "average" or "independent". It specifies how to handle multiple samples and replicates stored in sample:
    • if sample is a character string vector and multisamples is set to "average" the elements of the vector are considered as replicates of one sample and a single plot is returned;
    • if sample is a character string vector and multisamples is set to "independent", each element of the vector is analysed independently of the others;
    • if sample is a list, multisamples must be set to "average". Each element of the list is analysed independently of the others, its replicates averaged and its name reported in the plot.

When users provide multiple replicates, and multisamples is set to "average", each sample's associated plot displays the mean values along with standard errors computed by averaging the replicates.

If the input includes more the one sample, the number of plots returned and their organization is specified by plot_style. This parameter offers different graphical options tailored to the specific function being considered (see the examples in the next sections). In all functions plot_style="split" generates one distinct ggplot2 object for each sample.

Frequent parameters

Additional parameters are shared across all the functions generating graphical outputs to restrict the analysis and visualization to subpopulations of transcripts and/or reads:

  • transcripts: a character string vector listing the name of transcripts to be included in the analysis;
  • length_range: an integer or integer vector for restricting the analysis to a chosen range of read lengths;
  • cl: an integer value in [1,100] specifying a confidence level to automatically compute a range of read length based of interest. The range is based on the most frequent read lengths which accounts for the cl% of the whole sample. It is defined by discarding the (100-cl)% of read lengths falling in the tails of the read length distribution. If multiple samples are provided, a single range of read lengths is generated such that at least the cl% of all samples is represented. Note that if length_range is specified, it prevails over cl.

'rlength_distr', 'rends_heat', 'metaprofile_psite' and 'metaheatmap_psite' include the parameter scale_factors. The user can provide a scale factor for each sample/replicate to take into account the library size and make all replicates (if any) comparable before merging them. In this case scale_factors must be of the same length of the unlisted parameter sample and each scale factor must be named after the corresponding string. scale_factors can be set to "auto" to use the default scaling approaches, which are tailored to the specific function under consideration.

List of outputs

The output of all the functions generating plots is a list of at least three elements:

  • one or multiple ggplot2 objects named either plot or plot_name_of_sample tailored to the specific combination of input parameters. Note: multiple ggplot2 objects are returned if and only if plot_style="split" i.e., a distinct plot for each sample is generated;
  • one data table with the x- and y-axis values corresponding to the plot(s), named plot_dt; If multiple replicates are averaged, plot_dt reports the mean values and the standard error displayed in the plot.
  • one data table with raw and normalized/scaled values before averaging the replicates (if any) for each sample, named count_dt.

Example dataset

For a comprehensive description of the functions, we first build a set of 5 data tables by extracting random reads from the original reads_list example dataset. These data tables will be used as fake samples and replicates to show how parameters sample, multisamples and "plot_style* work. Their size is smaller than the original dataset (5000 reads) to ensure enough variability when "replicates" are averaged.

for(i in 2:6){
   samp_name <- paste0("Samp", i)
   reads_list[[samp_name]] <- reads_list[["Samp1"]][sample(.N, 5000)]

We also generate the corresponding reads_psite_list by computing the offset for each dataset:

psite_offset <- psite(reads_list, flanking = 6, extremity = "3end")
reads_psite_list <- psite_info(reads_list, psite_offset)

Overview of the data

Before the identification of the P-sites, ribosome profiling data can be explored by two preliminary plots, generated by rlength_distr and rends_heat.

Read length distribution

The first preliminary plot, provided by rlength_distr, shows the distribution of reads lengths for one or multiple samples. It can be exploited for i) identifying distinct populations of read lengths, associated with different ribosome conformations and ii) exploring the contribution of each length to the final P-site determination. Here an example with one sample and no replicates and the default parameters:

example_length_dist <- rlength_distr(reads_list, sample = "Samp1", 
				     colour = "#333f50")

Note that a wide range of read lengths might result in squeezed distributions which can be avoided by specifing either length_range or cl. Using the latter option and setting cl = 0.99, the distribution shown above for a confidence level of 99% appears as follow:

example_length_dist <- rlength_distr(reads_list, sample = "Samp1",
				     cl = 99, colour = "#333f50")

Multiple samples and replicates can be handled and visualized according to different combinations of parameters sample, multisamples and plot_style.

  1. We start with some examples to compare the read length distribution of distinct samples with no replicates. Here we use two samples, but a higher number of dataset is allowed (except for plot_style = "mirror"). Before generating the plot, we build a vector with the name of the samples to be compared which is then passed to parameter sample in combination with multisamples = "independent":

     input_samples <- c("Samp1", "Samp2")
    • Due to the default plot_style = "split" two bar plots are stored in two distinct ggplot2 objects.

        example_length_dist <- rlength_distr(reads_list,
        				       sample = input_samples,
        				       multisamples = "independent",
        				       plot_style = "split",
        				       cl = 99, colour = c("#333f50", "#39827c"))

    • According to plot_style = "facet" the two distributions are arranged in two independent boxes.

        example_length_dist <- rlength_distr(reads_list,
        				       sample = input_samples,
        				       multisamples = "independent",
        				       plot_style = "facet",
        				       cl = 99, colour = c("#333f50", "#39827c"))

    • According to plot_style = "dodge" the two distributions are arranged in the same box and, for each length, samples are placed side by side.

        example_length_dist <- rlength_distr(reads_list,
        				       sample = input_samples,
        				       multisamples = "independent",
        				       plot_style = "dodge",
        				       cl = 99, colour = c("#333f50", "#39827c"))

    • According to plot_style = "mirror" the two distributions are mirrored along the x axis.

        example_length_dist <- rlength_distr(reads_list,
        				       sample = input_samples,
        				       multisamples = "independent",
        				       plot_style = "mirror",
        				       cl = 99, colour = c("#333f50", "#39827c"))

  2. One sample with multiple replicates can be visualised in two different ways, always setting multisamples = "average".

    • Building a vector with the name of the replicates which is then passed to parameter sample. In this case, the name of the sample is automatically set to "Average".

        input_samples <- c("Samp1", "Samp2")
        example_length_dist <- rlength_distr(reads_list,
        				       sample = input_samples,
        				       multisamples = "average",
        				       cl = 99, colour = "#333f50")

    • Building a list of one element with the name of the replicates which is then passed to parameter sample. In this case, the name of the sample corresponds to the name of the element of the list.

        input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"))
        example_length_dist <- rlength_distr(reads_list,
        				       sample = input_samples,
        				       multisamples = "average",
        				       cl = 99, colour = c"#333f50")

  3. Finally, we can compare two or more samples with or without replicates by combining the previous examples. In this case a list must be passed to sample and multisamples is set to "average" by default. A couple of examples:

    • Two samples with multiple replicates, plot_style = "split".

        input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"),
        			"S2" = c("Samp3", "Samp4", "Samp5"))
        example_length_dist <- rlength_distr(reads_list,
                                             sample = input_samples,
                                             multisamples = "average",
                                             plot_style = "split",
                                             cl = 99, colour = c("#333f50", "#39827c"))

    • Three samples, two with multiple replicates and one with no replicates, plot_style = "dodge".

        input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"),
        			"S2" = c("Samp3", "Samp4", "Samp5"),
        			"S3" = c("Samp6"))
        example_length_dist <- rlength_distr(reads_list,
                                             sample = input_samples,
                                             multisamples = "average",
                                             plot_style = "dodge",
                                             cl = 99, colour = c("#333f50", "#39827c", "gray70"))

    • Two samples, one with multiple replicates and one with no replicates, plot_style = "mirror".

        input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"),
        			"S3" = c("Samp6"))
        example_length_dist <- rlength_distr(reads_list,
                                             sample = input_samples,
                                             multisamples = "average",
                                             plot_style = "mirror",
                                             cl = 99, colour = c("#333f50", "gray70"))

Read extremity localization

The second preliminary plot is provided by rends_heat. It consists of four metaheatmaps which displays the abundance of the 5' and 3' extremity of reads mapping on and close to the start and the stop codon of annotated CDSs, stratified by their length. As for the previous plot, it is possible to restrict the graphical output to a sub-range of read lengths by specifying the cl parameter:

example_ends_heatmap <- rends_heat(reads_list, mm81cdna,
                                   sample = "Samp1", cl = 85,
								   utr5l = 25, cdsl = 40, utr3l = 25,
								   colour = "#333f50")


This plot is particularly useful to visually detect the optimal read extremity and use this information to correct the temporary P-site offsets (see the extremity parameter of function psite). In our example the signal coming from the 5' and the 3' read extremities surrounding the translation initiation site (TIS) show a clear pattern difference. The distance between the 5' ends and the TIS varies according to the read length (shorter the read, lower the distance) while the distance between the 3' ends and the TIS is almost constant. This observation points to the more stable 3' end as the optimal extremity. In agreement with this conclusion, the 3' end is also automatically identified as the optimal extremity by the function psite run on the example dataset with the default options (see section P-site offset).

As for the other functions in this section, multiple samples and replicates can be specified trough parameters sample and multisamples. However, plot_style can only be set to either "split" or "facet" and the standard error resulting from averaging the replicates is not displayed.

P-sites per region

Ribosome profiling data should define the CDS of transcripts as the region with the highest percentage of reads. To confirm this property the function region_psite computes the percentage of P-sites falling in the three annotated transcript regions (5' UTR, CDS and 3' UTR). To verify the accumulation of reads on the CDS the resulting plot includes an additional set of bars called "RNAs" displaying the expected read distribution from a random fragmentation of RNA. These additional bars report the cumulative nucleotide length of the 5' UTRs, CDSs and 3' UTRs of the transcripts included in the analysis expressed as percentages. Here an example based on multiple samples and replicates with the default parameters, revealing the expected P-site accumulation on the CDS:

input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"),
                      "S2" = c("Samp3", "Samp4", "Samp5"),
                      "S3" = c("Samp6"))

example_psite_per_region <- region_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
					 sample = input_samples,
					 multisamples = "average",
					 plot_style = "stack",
					 cl = 85,
					 colour = c("#333f50", "gray70", "#39827c"))

A different visualization which also displays the standard error resulting from averaging the replicates for each sample and transcript region is provided by plot_style="dodge".

example_psite_per_region <- region_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
					 sample = input_samples,
					 multisamples = "average",
					 plot_style = "dodge",
					 cl = 85,
					 colour = c("#333f50", "gray70", "#39827c"))

Trinucleotide periodicity

A fundamental characteristic of ribosome profiling data is the trinucleotide periodicity of ribosome footprints along the coding sequences. The two functions frame_psite_length and frame_psite show if, and to which extent, the identified P-sites results in codon periodicity on the CDSs. Both functions compute the percentage of P-sites falling in the three possible translation reading frames for the 5’ UTRs, CDSs and 3’ UTRs. One detail distinguishes one function from the other: frame_psite_length analyses all read lengths independently while frame_psite processes all reads at once. Here the outputs for different combinations of sample, multisamples and plot_style and a subset of read lengths (cl=0.85). All plots show the expected accumulation of P-sites in the first frame on the coding sequence but not the UTRs.

  1. Frame of the P-site for the three transcript regions and stratified by read length.

     input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"),
     		       "S2" = c("Samp3", "Samp4", "Samp5"),
     			   "S3" = c("Samp6"))
     example_frames_stratified <- frame_psite_length(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
                                                     sample = input_samples,
                                                     multisamples = "average",
                                                     plot_style = "facet",
                                                     region = "all",
                                                     cl = 85, colour = "#333f50")

  2. Frame of the P-site for the CDS, not stratified by read length.

     input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"),
     		       "S2" = c("Samp3", "Samp4", "Samp5"))
     example_frames <- frame_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
                                   sample = input_samples,
                                   multisamples = "average",
                                   plot_style = "facet",
                                   region = "cds",
                                   colour = c("#333f50", "#39827c"))

  3. Frame of the P-site for the three transcript regions, not stratified by read length.

     input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"),
     		       "S2" = c("Samp3", "Samp4", "Samp5"))
     example_frames <- frame_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
                                   sample = input_samples,
                                   multisamples = "average",
                                   plot_style = "mirror",
                                   region = "all",
                                   colour = c("#333f50", "#39827c"))


A visual representation of the trinucleotide periodicity along the coding sequences is provided by the function metaprofile_psite. It generates metaprofiles by collapsing transcript-specific profiles based on the P-sites mapping on and close to the start and the stop codon of annotated CDSs. Here an example with one sample and two replicates. Note that when "multisamples" is set to "average" the plot displays the nucleotide-specific mean signal computed across the replicates as a line and the corresponding standard error as a shadow surrounding the average value.

input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"))

example_metaprofile <- metaprofile_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
					 sample = input_samples,
					 multisamples = "average",
					 utr5l = 20, cdsl = 40, utr3l = 20,
					 colour = "#333f50")


As already illustrated for the other functions, when dealing with multiple samples and replicates it is possible to generate either as many ggplot2 objects as the number of samples (plot_style="split") or single plots with different arrangements of the metaprofiles:

input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"),
		      "S2" = c("Samp3", "Samp4", "Samp5"))
  1. plot_style="facet"

     example_metaprofile <- metaprofile_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
                                              sample = input_samples,
                                              multisamples = "average",
                                              plot_style = "facet",
                                              utr5l = 20, cdsl = 40, utr3l = 20,
                                              colour = c("#333f50", "#39827c"))


  2. plot_style="overlap"

     example_metaprofile <- metaprofile_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
                                              sample = input_samples,
                                              multisamples = "average",
                                              plot_style = "overlap",
                                              utr5l = 20, cdsl = 40, utr3l = 20,
                                              colour = c("#333f50", "#39827c"))


  3. plot_style="mirror"

    example_metaprofile <- metaprofile_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
                                             sample = input_samples,
                                             multisamples = "average",
                                             plot_style = "mirror",
                                             utr5l = 20, cdsl = 40, utr3l = 20,
                                             colour = c("#333f50", "#39827c"))


Even though metaprofile_psite is the reference function to visualised meta-like data, its outputs migh appear too crowded to appreciate the results if too many samples are passed. For this reasons riboWaltz proposes another approach to visualize the trinucleotide periodicity along the coding sequences: by running the function metaheatmap_psite, the abundance of P-sites along the CDS is represented by a continuous color rather than by the height of a line. Moreover, when multiple samples are provided the resulting heatmaps are arranged in one graphical output one below the other.

input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"),
                      "S2" = c("Samp3", "Samp4", "Samp5"),
                      "S3" = c("Samp6"))

example_metaheatmap <- metaheatmap_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
                                         sample = input_samples,
                                         multisamples = "average",
                                         utr5l = 20, cdsl = 40, utr3l = 20,
                                         colour = "#333f50")


Codon usage

To understand what codons display higher or lower ribosome density, the function codon_usage_psite provides the user with the analysis of the empirical codon usage. It is defined as the frequency of in-frame P-sites along the coding sequences codon by codon and optionally normalized for the frequency of each codon in the sequences of interest. Whith the default parameters, codon_usage_psite returns one or multiple bar plots of the resulting codon usage indexes, highlighting the start and stop codons and labelling each bar with the corresponding triplet and amino acid. The empirical codon usage based multiple samples with replicates is shown below. Please note: due to its size, the FASTA file containing the transcripts sequences used by the authors is not included in the package.

  1. Codon usage indexes for one sample, multiple replicates, not normalized for the frequency of each codon. When one sample is specified and plot_style="facet", the codons are arranged in increasing order according to codon usage indexes.

     input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"))
     example_cu_barplot <- codon_usage_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
     					 sample = input_samples,
     					 multisamples = "average",
     					 plot_style = "facet",
     					 fastapath = "path/to/transcriptome/FASTA/file",
     					 fasta_genome = FALSE,
     					 frequency_normalization = FALSE) 


  2. Codon usage indexes for two samples, multiple replicates, not normalized for the frequency of each codon. When more than one sample is specified and plot_style="facet", the codons are arranged in alphabetical order, with the exception that the start codon and the three stop codons are placed at the beginning and at the end of the plot, respectively.

     input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"),
     		       "S2" = c("Samp3", "Samp4", "Samp5"))
     example_cu_barplot <- codon_usage_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
     					 sample = input_samples,
     					 multisamples = "average",
     					 plot_style = "facet",
     					 fastapath = "path/to/transcriptome/FASTA/file",
     					 fasta_genome = FALSE,
     					 frequency_normalization = FALSE) 


  3. Codon usage indexes for one sample, multiple replicates, normalized for the frequency of each codon. Note that when frequency_normalization=TRUE the low frequency of the three stop codons often leads to codon usage indexes higher for these triplets than for the others. To avoid potential biases in the interpretation of the data we can discard the stop codons from the plot by include_stop_codons=FALSE, as shown in the following example:

     input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"))
     example_cu_barplot <- codon_usage_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
     					 sample = input_samples,
     					 multisamples = "average",
     					 plot_style = "facet",
     					 fastapath = "path/to/transcriptome/FASTA/file",
     					 fasta_genome = FALSE,
     					 frequency_normalization = TRUE,
     					 include_stop_codons = FALSE) 


codon_usage_psite can be exploited for investigating alterations of ribosome translocation at specific codons by comparing empirical codon usage from multiple samples or multiple populations of reads (e.g. with different length). The parameter contrast_sample specifies the sample(s) (if any) to be considered when comparing the codon usage indexes between:

  • two samples in sample;
  • one sample and 64 triplet-specific values provided by the user (see parameter codon_values).

When contrast_sample is specified and sets of codon usage indexes are compared, codon_usage_psite automatically generates a scatter plot where each dot represents a codon, optionally labelled with the corresponding triplet or amino acid. The plot includes the regression line based on the coordinates of the dots and the Pearson correlation coefficient. In both cases a specified number of dots can be labeled by the the corresponding triplet or amino acid symbol (see parameters label_scatter, label_number and label_aminoacid). Using the usual list of samples

input_samples <- list("S1" = c("Samp1", "Samp2"),
		      "S2" = c("Samp3", "Samp4", "Samp5"))

we first investigate if, and to which extent, the normalized codon usage indexes of sample S1 differs from the normalized codon usage indexes of sample S2.

example_cu_barplot <- codon_usage_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
					sample = input_samples,
					contrast_sample = c("S1", "S2"),
					fastapath = "path/to/transcriptome/FASTA/file",
					fasta_genome = FALSE,
					frequency_normalization = FALSE) 

We then compare the empirical codon indexes associated with sample S1, not normalized, with the mouse codon usage bias values (downloaded from, based on the frequency of synonymous codons in coding DNA regions). The structure of the required data table passed to codon_values (here named "cub_mouse") is as follows:

codon value
UUU 17.2
UCU 16.2
UAU 12.2
UGU 11.4
UUC 21.8
UCC 18.1
... ....

Here the resulting plot:

example_cu_barplot <- codon_usage_psite(reads_psite_list, mm81cdna,
					sample = input_samples,
					contrast_sample = "S1",
					codon_values = cub_mouse,
					fastapath = "path/to/transcriptome/FASTA/file",
					fasta_genome = FALSE,
					frequency_normalization = FALSE,
					label_scatter = TRUE, label_number = 5) 
