It is a web graphical user interface (GUI) for the Stockfish Chess engine. It is a fully functional web-based chess app that allows you to play against the Stockfish chess engine.
This repository contains two different implementations. Explore both and contribute to the one you find most interesting. Ultimately, only one implementation will remain once we reach a stable, bug-free version with sufficient features to be considered professional.
Our mission from this project is to develop a modern responsive free and open source web-based chess GUI powered by the Stockfish chess engine.
Note: The above implementations still require lots of work. Your contribution is always appreciated.
- Download or clone this repository.
- Upload the unzipped folder of this repository to your web server then view it from your web browser.
- Download or clone this repository.
- Install a web server locally to test effectively the GUI.
User Interface
- Responsive Design
- Customizable Chessboard
- Board Flip
- Switch Board
Game Play
- Take Back Moves
- Move Hints
- Evaluation Bar
- Static Evaluation
- Legal Move Highlighting
Game Analysis
- Real-time Analysis
- Game Review & Evaluation Report
- Blunder Detection
- Evaluation Graph
- Move List
Game Management
- Save and Load Games
- PGN Viewer
- FEN Viewer
- Import/Export PGN and FEN
Board Editor
- Setup Position
- Piece Placement
- Validate Position
Training Modes
- Tactics Trainer
- Endgame Training
- Puzzle Rush
Opening Explorer
- Opening Database
Stockfish Settings
- Skill Level
- Depth Control
- Thinking Time
Additional Features
- Highlight Best Move
- Multiple Analysis Engines
- Engine vs. Engine
- Visual Customizations
- Coach Mode
- Dark/Light Modes
- Enhanced Accessibility Features
Keyboard Shortcuts
- Board Controls
- Interface Navigation
Scores of All Legal Moves
- Move Evaluation Display
- Real-time Updates
Analysis Lines
- Multi-Line Display
- Interactive Analysis
- Depth and Score
We welcome all developers to contribute to this repository by fixing bugs or adding features.
It is also great to check our advanced chess app at:
- Stockfish:
- Stockfish.js:
- BoldChess:
- Labinator: