This version is outdated, please check out Discord BOT Dashboard v2
Discord BOT Dashboard is made to make Discord BOT Development easy, designed to create applications without having to write a single line of code while using a user friendly Web-Dashboard! Please check out the Wiki before getting started. here
- Node.JS (v12.3.1 or later)
Download the latest version from Releases, open up the root directory and run the following command.
npm install
Open up the config.json file found in the cfg folder and input the required fields.
Make sure to enable both "Privileged Gateway Intents" on the Discord Developer Dashboard. This is to fix errors with "Kick / Ban" Commands!
Open up the root directory and run the following command.
node index.js
You should now be able to access the dashboard at http://localhost:3000. Goto the Plugins tab and enable what commands you want!
Got an issue or need help setting up join the Discord Server
- ❌: Not started yet
- 🕓: Work in progress
- 💯: Prioritising before everything else
User Auth (Login to access dashboard). 🕓 / 💯
Docker Container Support. 🕓 / 💯
Ability to change the BOTS profile picture in settings. ❌
Change BOTS status in settings. ❌
More statistics on main dashboard. ❌
Music Commands ❌
Open issues for features you want
- Ban - Bans a user from the server. Usage: !ban @user
- Kick - Kicks a user from the server. Usage: !kick @user
- Clear - Clears messages from a channel. Usage: !clear 5
- User Info - Sends information about a given user. Usage: !user-info @user
- Server Info - Sends information about the current server. Usage: !server-info
- Stats - Statistics of the BOT. Usage: !stats
- Help - Sends a list for all plugins / commands enabled. Usage: !help
- Coin Flip - Flip a coin (heads / tails). Usage: !coin
- Dog - Sends a random image of a dog. Usage: !dog
- Cat - Sends a random image of a cat. Usage: !cat
- 8-Ball - Ask the 8-ball a question. Usage: !8-ball
- Roll - Roles a dice (6-Sided). Usage: !roll
For a more Detailed Changelog please check it here
- Added Darkmode.
- Bug Fixes.
- Released all basic functions.
If you would like to contribute to the project please open a PR (Pull Request) clearly showing your changes.
If you have any issues feel free to open an issue or join the Discord Server.
Created by LachlanDev#8014