Pretrained VGG16 neural net in C language
- This is the VGG16 pretrained convolutional neural net written in pure C. It has no external dependenices.
- Initital weights obtained based on Keras VGG16 model pretrained on ImageNet from official repository:
- There are some useful python scripts:
- - convert any image in format needed by ZFC_VGG16_CPU
- - convert any VGG16 Keras weights to format needed by ZFC_VGG16_CPU
- - program to check if results are the same in Keras and in C program
gcc -O3 -fopenmp ZFC_VGG16_CPU.c -o ZFC_VGG16_CPU -lm
./ZFC_VGG16_CPU <weights_path> <file_with_list_of_image_paths> <output_file> <output_convolution_features_(optional)>
Example: ./ZFC_VGG16_CPU "weights.txt" "image_list.txt" "results.txt" 1
Weights (~800MB Compressed 7z):!LIhjXRhQ!scgNodAkfwWIUZdTcRfmKNHjtUfUb2KiIvfvXdIe-vc
- No external dependencies
- Cross platform
- Can be easily optimized for given weights with a little loss in accuracy. For example: using fixed point instead of float, using all available AVX instructions, optimized multiprocessor support, etc.
- Faster if you need only features from last convolution layer
- You can use it for infer operation with weights obtained with transfer learning
- Slow weights reading (it should be generated in some binary file)
- Use own TEXT format for images and weights
- Not optimized
- Text file
- BGR order
- Exactly 3x224x224 integers in txt file, separated by spaces.
- See for details.
- Text file
- Weights + Bias by levels on independent lines
- Must contain exactly 138357544 floating point numbers
- Can be generated from any VGG16 Keras weights with Python script:
- Reading weights (all layers): 80 seconds
- Reading weights (convolution only): 8 seconds
- Processing one image (all layers, single core): 22 seconds
- Processing one image (all layers, 7 cores): 6 seconds
- Processing one image (convolution only, single core): 20 seconds
- Processing one image (convolution only, 7 cores): 5 seconds