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v1.26.1: Seed explorer mod list & desired mods overview
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Lailloken authored Jul 10, 2022
2 parents 6853275 + 66a6a7b commit 51dc486
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Showing 2 changed files with 217 additions and 49 deletions.
266 changes: 217 additions & 49 deletions Lailloken UI.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -586,8 +586,8 @@ If WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd_legion_treemap) || WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd_legion_win
hwnd_legion_treemap := ""
Gui, legion_window: Destroy
hwnd_legion_treemap := ""
;Gui, legion_list: Destroy
;hwnd_legion_list := ""
Gui, legion_list: Destroy
hwnd_legion_list := ""
If WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd_betrayal_info) || WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd_betrayal_info_members)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2101,7 +2101,7 @@ If !WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd_legion_window)
Gui, legion_window: New, -DPIScale -Caption +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +Border HWNDhwnd_legion_window
Gui, legion_window: Margin, 12, 4
Gui, legion_window: Color, Black
;WinSet, Transparent, %trans%
WinSet, Transparent, %trans%
Gui, legion_window: Font, % "s"fSize0 " cWhite", Fontin SmallCaps

Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "Section BackgroundTrans Center w"(poe_height/4)*0.95, % A_Space
Expand All @@ -2111,8 +2111,9 @@ If !WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd_legion_window)
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "xs BackgroundTrans Left vlegion_name w"(poe_height/4)*0.95, % "name:"

Gui, legion_window: Font, underline
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "ys Section BackgroundTrans Left w"(poe_height/4)*0.95, % "keystones:"
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "ys Section BackgroundTrans Left w"(poe_height/4)*0.85, % "keystones:"
Gui, legion_window: Font, norm
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "ys BackgroundTrans vlegion_toggle gLegion_seeds3 hp x"poe_height/2*0.95, % " > " ;img\GUI\legion_toggle1.png
Loop 3
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "xs BackgroundTrans vlegion_keystonetext" A_Index " gLegion_seeds_help w"(poe_height/4)*0.95, % A_Space

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2162,62 +2163,145 @@ Loop, Parse, legion_keystones, CSV
Else GuiControl, legion_window: +cWhite, legion_keystonetext%A_Index%

If !WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd_legion_window)
Loop, Read, data\timeless jewels\%legion_type_parse%.csv
Gui, legion_window: New, -DPIScale -Caption +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +Border HWNDhwnd_legion_window
Gui, legion_window: Margin, 12, 4
Gui, legion_window: Color, Black
;WinSet, Transparent, %trans%
Gui, legion_window: Font, % "s"fSize0 " cWhite", Fontin SmallCaps
If (legion_type_parse = "")
If (SubStr(A_LoopReadLine, 1, InStr(A_LoopReadLine, ",",,, 1) - 1) = legion_seed_parse)
legion_type_parse := "lethal pride"
legion_seed_parse := 18000
legion_name_parse := "kaom"
legion_csvline_array := []
Loop, Parse, A_LoopReadLine, CSV
legion_encode_array := []
Iniread, legion_decode_keys, data\timeless jewels\jewels.ini, % legion_type_parse
legion_type_parse2 := StrReplace(legion_type_parse, " ", "_")
If (legion_%legion_type_parse2%_mod1 = "")
Loop, Parse, legion_decode_keys, `n, `n

If (A_Gui != "legion_treemap")
IniRead, legion_sockets, data\timeless jewels\sockets.ini
Loop, Parse, legion_sockets, `n, `n
IniRead, legion_socket_notables, data\timeless jewels\sockets.ini, socket%A_Index%

legion_socket_notables_array := []
Loop, Parse, legion_socket_notables, `n, `n

modpool := ""
modpool_unique := ""

Loop, % legion_socket_notables_array.Length()
IniRead, legion_%legion_type_parse2%_mod%A_Index%, data\timeless jewels\jewels.ini, % legion_type_parse, % A_Index
target_key := legion_csvline_array[LLK_ArrayHasVal(legion_notables_array, legion_socket_notables_array[A_Index])]
modpool .= legion_%legion_type_parse2%_mod%target_key% ","
modpool_unique .= InStr(modpool_unique, legion_%legion_type_parse2%_mod%target_key%) ? "" : legion_%legion_type_parse2%_mod%target_key% ","

Sort, modpool_unique, D`,
modpool_unique_array := []
modpool_unique_array2 := []
Loop, Parse, modpool_unique, `,, `,
If (A_Loopfield = "")
count := (LLK_InStrCount(modpool, A_Loopfield, ",") > 1) ? " (" LLK_InStrCount(modpool, A_Loopfield, ",") "x)" : ""
modpool_unique_array.Push(A_Loopfield count)

count := 0
Loop 22
If InStr(legion_%legion_type_parse2%_favs, modpool_unique_array2[A_Index]) && (modpool_unique_array2[A_Index] != "")
If InStr(modpool_unique_array[A_Index], "x)")
multiplier := SubStr(modpool_unique_array[A_Index], -2, 1)
count += 1*multiplier
Else count += 1
GuiControl, legion_treemap: text, legion_socket_text%A_Index%, % (count = 0) ? "" : count
legion_socket%A_Index%_notables := count

IniRead, legion_keystones, data\timeless jewels\Jewels.ini, types, % legion_type_parse, 0
IniRead, legion_keystone, data\timeless jewels\Jewels.ini, names, % legion_name_parse, 0
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "Section BackgroundTrans Center w"(poe_height/4)*0.95, % A_Space
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, xp yp Border BackgroundTrans Center vlegion_paste, % " import from clipboard "
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "xs BackgroundTrans Left vlegion_type w"(poe_height/4)*0.95, % "type: " legion_type_parse
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "xs BackgroundTrans Left vlegion_seed w"(poe_height/4)*0.95, % "seed: " legion_seed_parse
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "xs BackgroundTrans Left vlegion_name w"(poe_height/4)*0.95, % "name: " legion_name_parse
If (legion_socket != "")
IniRead, legion_socket_notables, data\timeless jewels\sockets.ini, % legion_socket

Gui, legion_window: Font, underline
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "ys Section BackgroundTrans Left w"(poe_height/4)*0.95, % "keystones:"
Gui, legion_window: Font, norm
Loop, Parse, legion_keystones, CSV
legion_socket_notables_array := []
Loop, Parse, legion_socket_notables, `n, `n

modpool := ""
modpool_unique := ""

Loop, % legion_socket_notables_array.Length()
color := (legion_keystone = A_Loopfield) ? "Lime" : "White"
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "xs BackgroundTrans gLegion_seeds_help c"color, % A_Loopfield
target_key := legion_csvline_array[LLK_ArrayHasVal(legion_notables_array, legion_socket_notables_array[A_Index])]
modpool .= legion_%legion_type_parse2%_mod%target_key% ","
modpool_unique .= InStr(modpool_unique, legion_%legion_type_parse2%_mod%target_key%) ? "" : legion_%legion_type_parse2%_mod%target_key% ","

Sort, modpool_unique, D`,
modpool_unique_array := []
modpool_unique_array2 := []
Loop, Parse, modpool_unique, `,, `,
If (A_Loopfield = "")
count := (LLK_InStrCount(modpool, A_Loopfield, ",") > 1) ? " (" LLK_InStrCount(modpool, A_Loopfield, ",") "x)" : ""
modpool_unique_array.Push(A_Loopfield count)
Gui, legion_window: Font, underline
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "xs Section x12 BackgroundTrans c"color " y+"fSize0*2, resulting notable modifications:
Gui, legion_window: Font, norm

Loop 22
If (A_Index = 1)
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "xs Section vlegion_modtext" A_Index " gLegion_seeds_help BackgroundTrans w"(poe_height/4)*0.95 " y+"fSize1, % A_Space
Else If (A_Index = 12)
Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "ys Section vlegion_modtext" A_Index " gLegion_seeds_help BackgroundTrans w"(poe_height/4)*0.95, % A_Space
Else Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, % "xs vlegion_modtext" A_Index " gLegion_seeds_help BackgroundTrans w"(poe_height/4)*0.95 " HWNDhwnd_modtext"A_Index, % A_Space
;target_key := legion_csvline_array[LLK_ArrayHasVal(legion_notables_array, legion_socket_notables_array[A_Index])]
GuiControl, legion_window: , legion_modtext%A_Index%, % modpool_unique_array[A_Index]
If InStr(legion_%legion_type_parse2%_favs, modpool_unique_array2[A_Index]) && (modpool_unique_array2[A_Index] != "")
GuiControl, legion_window: +cAqua, legion_modtext%A_Index%
Else If !InStr(legion_%legion_type_parse2%_favs, modpool_unique_array2[A_Index]) || (modpool_unique_array2[A_Index] = "")
GuiControl, legion_window: +cWhite, legion_modtext%A_Index%
;Gui, legion_window: Add, Text, xs Section BackgroundTrans Left, % legion_%legion_type_parse2%_mod%target_key%
WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %hwnd_legion_window%

If (A_Gui = "legion_treemap")
legion_highlight := ""
Loop, Parse, legion_%legion_type_parse2%_favs, `,, `,
If (A_Loopfield = "")
target_code := LLK_ArrayHasVal(legion_encode_array, A_Loopfield)
Loop, Parse, % LLK_ArrayHasVal(legion_csvline_array, target_code, 1), `,, `,
If (A_Loopfield = "")
If InStr(legion_socket_notables, legion_notables_array[A_Loopfield])
legion_highlight .= SubStr(legion_notables_array[A_Loopfield], 1, Floor((100-3-legion_%legion_socket%_notables)/(legion_%legion_socket%_notables))+1) "|"
If (legion_highlight != "")
legion_highlight := SubStr(legion_highlight, 1, -1)
legion_highlight := StrReplace(legion_highlight, " ", ".")
legion_highlight = ^(%legion_highlight%)
MsgBox, % legion_highlight ", " StrLen(legion_highlight)
WinActivate, ahk_group poe_window
WinWaitActive, ahk_group poe_window
sleep, 50
clipboard := legion_highlight
ClipWait, 0.05
SendInput, ^{f}^{v}{Enter}
If (legion_socket != "")
IniRead, legion_socket_notables, data\timeless jewels\sockets.ini, % legion_socket
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2270,7 +2354,7 @@ If (legion_socket != "")
WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %hwnd_legion_window%

Gui, legion_window: Show, % "NA x" xScreenOffSet " y" yScreenOffSet " w"poe_height/2 - 1 " h"poe_height/2 - 1
LLK_Overlay("legion_window", "show")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2316,6 +2400,30 @@ LLK_Overlay("legion_list", "show", 0)
If WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd_legion_treemap)

If !WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd_legion_treemap)
Gui, legion_treemap: New, -DPIScale -Caption +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +Border HWNDhwnd_legion_treemap
Gui, legion_treemap: Margin, 0, 0
Gui, legion_treemap: Color, Black
Gui, legion_treemap: Font, % "s"fSize0 + 6 " cAqua", Fontin SmallCaps
Gui, legion_treemap: Add, Picture, % "BackgroundTrans h" poe_height/2 - 2 " w-1", img\GUI\legion_treemap.jpg
IniRead, squarecount, data\timeless jewels\Treemap.ini, squares
Loop, Parse, squarecount, `n, `n
If (StrLen(A_Loopfield) < 4)
IniRead, coords, data\timeless jewels\Treemap.ini, squares, % A_Index, 0
square_coords := StrSplit(coords, ",", ",")
style := (StrReplace(previous_socket, "legion_socket") = A_Index) ? "img\GUI\square_red.png" : ""
Gui, legion_treemap: Add, Text, % "BackgroundTrans Right vlegion_socket_text" A_Index " x" poe_height/2*square_coords[1] " y" poe_height/2*square_coords[2] " h" poe_height/2/18 " w" poe_height/2/18, % A_Space
Gui, legion_treemap: Add, Picture, % "BackgroundTrans gLegion_seeds_sockets vlegion_socket" A_Index " x" poe_height/2*square_coords[1] " y" poe_height/2*square_coords[2] " h" poe_height/2/18 " w" poe_height/2/18, % style
GoSub, Legion_seeds
Gui, show, % "NA x"xScreenOffSet " y"poe_height/2
LLK_Overlay("legion_treemap", "show")

Gui, legion_treemap: New, -DPIScale -Caption +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +Border HWNDhwnd_legion_treemap
Gui, legion_treemap: Margin, 0, 0
Gui, legion_treemap: Color, Black
Expand All @@ -2333,24 +2441,77 @@ Loop, Parse, squarecount, `n, `n
Gui, show, % "NA x"xScreenOffSet " y"poe_height/2
LLK_Overlay("legion_treemap", "show")

If WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd_legion_list) && (A_Gui != "")
Gui, legion_list: Destroy
hwnd_legion_list := ""
GuiControl, legion_window: text, legion_toggle, % " > " ;img\GUI\legion_toggle1.png

GuiControl, legion_window: text, legion_toggle, % " < " ;img\GUI\legion_toggle2.png
Gui, legion_list: New, -DPIScale -Caption +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +Border HWNDhwnd_legion_list
Gui, legion_list: Margin, 12, 0
Gui, legion_list: Color, Black
WinSet, Transparent, %trans%
Gui, legion_list: Font, % "s"fSize0 " cWhite", Fontin SmallCaps

Gui, legion_list: Font, underline

Gui, legion_list: Add, Text, % "Section BackgroundTrans y4", notable modifications:

Gui, legion_list: Font, norm
IniRead, legion_notables, data\timeless jewels\jewels.ini, % legion_type_parse
legion_notables_list := ""
Loop, Parse, legion_notables, `n, `n
IniRead, legion_notable%A_Index%, data\timeless jewels\jewels.ini, % legion_type_parse, % A_Index
legion_notables_list .= (legion_notables_list = "") ? legion_notable%A_Index% : "," legion_notable%A_Index%
Sort, legion_notables_list, D`,
Loop, Parse, legion_notables_list, CSV
color := InStr(legion_%legion_type_parse2%_favs, A_Loopfield) ? "Aqua" : "White"
If (A_Index = 1)
Gui, legion_list: Add, Text, % "xs BackgroundTrans gLegion_seeds_help y+4 c"color, % A_Loopfield
Else Gui, legion_list: Add, Text, % "xs BackgroundTrans gLegion_seeds_help c"color, % A_Loopfield

Gui, legion_list: Show, % "NA x" xScreenOffSet + poe_height/2 " y" yScreenOffSet " h"poe_height - 2
LLK_Overlay("legion_list", "show")

GuiControlGet, modtext, %A_Gui%:, % A_GuiControl
If (modtext = "")
If (modtext = "" || modtext = " ") || InStr(modtext, "+5 devotion")
If (click = 2)
If InStr(A_GuiControl, "keystone")
GuiControlGet, modtext, %A_Gui%:, % A_GuiControl
modtext := InStr(modtext, "x)") ? SubStr(modtext, 1, -5) : modtext
If InStr(legion_%legion_type_parse2%_favs, modtext)
GuiControl, legion_window: +cWhite, % A_GuiControl
Else GuiControl, legion_window: +cAqua, % A_GuiControl
GuiControl, %A_Gui%: +cWhite, % A_GuiControl
GuiControl, legion_window: +cAqua, % A_GuiControl
GuiControl, %A_Gui%: +cAqua, % A_GuiControl
WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %hwnd_legion_window%
WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %hwnd_legion_list%
legion_%legion_type_parse2%_favs := InStr(legion_%legion_type_parse2%_favs, modtext) ? StrReplace(legion_%legion_type_parse2%_favs, modtext ",") : (legion_%legion_type_parse2%_favs = "") ? modtext "," : legion_%legion_type_parse2%_favs modtext ","
IniWrite, % legion_%legion_type_parse2%_favs, ini\timeless jewels.ini, favorites, % legion_type_parse
GoSub, Legion_seeds

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2486,6 +2647,8 @@ Loop, Parse, legion_leaders, `,, `,

GoSub, Legion_seeds
GoSub, Legion_seeds2
If WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd_legion_list)
GoSub, Legion_seeds3

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3258,6 +3421,11 @@ If (clipboard != "")
GoSub, Recombinators_add2
If InStr(clipboard, "limited to: 1 historic") && WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd_legion_window)
GoSub, Legion_seeds_parse
If WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd_recombinator_window)
GoSub, Recombinators_add
Expand Down
Binary file modified img/GUI/square_red.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

0 comments on commit 51dc486

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