My small fun project. Taking images from and setting as a wallpaper.
Properties of application in
- tags - tags of images for searching. Delimiter "+".
- blacklist - undesirable tags. Images with any of them would de ignored. Delimiter ",".
- delay - delay before setting .
- size_filter - filtering images, smaller then min_image_height or min_image_width.
- min_image_height - would be used, if size_filter=true
- min_image_width - would be used, if size_filter=true
- useproxy - use proxy connection if konachan is blocked for you.
- proxy.0 - proxy address in form ip:port. You can use several poxies, numirate them like proxy.1, proxy.2...
- keep_img - images would be saved on disk.
- img_catalog - catalog for saved images, if keep_img=true.
- show_stack - show stack of exceptions.
- DONE:Keep downloaded images.
- DONE:Image size filter(don't use images, whith smaller height or width then in property)
- DONE:List of proxies. If one is down, app will try next. First workin proxy moves to first pos. in list.
- DONE:Read proxies list from .properties file
- DONE:Generate exception if all proxies down.
- DONE:Proxies .properties file. Reads on start.
- DONE:Tags and blacklist .properties file.
- DONE:"Image file catalog" and "Keep downloaded images" properties in .properties file.
- DONE:"Scheduling time" property in .properties file.
- Linux mode for gnome and cinnamon.
- Startup script and icon. DONE:script