This repository is a collection of my projects and learnings in Deep Learning.
Here's what you'll find:
OpenCV Projects with Turkcell Gelecegi Yazanlar Certificate
NLP Projects: Explore projects related to Natural Language Processing tasks.
Speech Recognition Get access to the project
NER Explore the projects and exercises
Computer Vision Project: Explore a project focused on computer vision tasks.
CNN Project: Delve into a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) project.
Deep Learning TensorFlow with IBM Course: Find materials and notebooks from the Deep Learning TensorFlow with IBM course.
TensorFlow Lectures: Get access to my notes and resources from TensorFlow lectures.
Time Series Analysis Notes: Dive into my notes on time series analysis techniques.
This repository serves as a one-stop shop for my Deep Learning journey. Feel free to explore the different projects and resources to learn more about Deep Learning and its applications.
Welcome contributions to this repository! If you have any helpful notebooks or data analysis examples to share, feel free to submit a pull request.
License: MIT License
Good Luck :)