This is a Scalar Network Analyzer program initialy written for the LimeSDR mini by github user nepeee (
I replaced the SoapySDR layer by pow tool, and added Pluto TXgain and RXgain controls to the webpage.
Sweep time is not optimal and can be improved : approx. 1 hop/s
Youtube :
pow tool : you will need to compile pow tool.
build pow tool :gcc -std=gnu99 -g -o pow pow.c -liio -lm -Wall -Wextra
Test :
./pow -l 430600000 -g 40 -f 3
result : 430600000 2.49 95.75
units : freq (Hz), signal (dB) computed by pow, RSSI (dB) returned by pluto through IIO -
numpy (pip)
flask (pip)
flask_socketio (pip)
webbrowser (pip)
gevent (pip)
gevent-websocket (pip)
Quick setup :
cd ~
git clone
cd limeSNA
git checkout plutosdr
gcc -std=gnu99 -g -o pow pow.c -liio -lm -Wall -Wextra
How to use:
Install all the dependencies and run the code from a terminal with the following command:
After the radio is ready to use, the program starts a new web browser with the UI ( ). Press the run button to start the frequeny sweep.
For relative("calibrated") measurements wait a full sweep and then press the "Set relative" button.