Automatically edits videos. Explanation here:
It uses Python 3.
It works on Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10. (It might work on other OSs too, we just haven't tested it yet.)
This program relies heavily on ffmpeg. It will start subprocesses that call ffmpeg, so be aware of that!
As the program runs, it saves every frame of the video as an image file in a temporary folder. If your video is long, this could take a LOT of space. I have processed 17-minute videos completely fine, but be wary if you're gonna go longer.
I want to use pyinstaller to turn this into an executable, so non-techy people can use it EVEN IF they don't have Python and all those libraries. Jabrils recommended this to me. However, my pyinstaller build did not work. :( HELP
to get a script with all the libraries and ffmpeg, nix-build -A bundle
to get a single binary.
Something along the lines of
- Download
- Execute downloaded File -> Click Install Python
- Download
- Extract downloaded File
- Download
- Extract downloaded File
- Move ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe to jumpcutter-master/jumpcutter-master folder
- Open cmd
- cd C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME_HERE\Downloads\jumpcutter-master\jumpcutter-master
- C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME_HERE\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.exe -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME_HERE\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.exe --input_file input.mp4
sudo apt-get install python3-minimal python3-pip ffmpeg
cd /some/folder/you/like/
# For https:
git clone
# For ssh:
git clone
cd jumpcutter
pip3 install -r requirements.txt # you might want --user
docker build -t jumpcutter .
docker exec -it jumpcutter
python3 --help # get an overview of the available commands
python3 --input_file some_input_video.mp4