An implementation of a CQRS/ES system using functional FP in scala.
This is a side project for learning and experimentation purposes. It is not a "production ready" system :)
We use a simplified domain model in order to focus only on technical implementation details and functional programming principles. CQRS and Event Sourcing is a huge domain with many flavors and variations on its own.
Our goal is to implement some of the principles and ideas that we have in a purely functional way.
and under heavy development. Many of the design decisions will propably change.
The domain of the project is an minimal garage management system.
Write side server (that serves ES commands via REST API)
Write side validator in memory store
An event log (used for Event Sourcing) implemented in postgres
Read side server that serves a materialized view of the log (via REST API).
Read side server websocket support
An alternative event log implemented using kafka
Complete dockerized build process
User authentication / authorization (using TSec?)
A front SPA application (using Angular ?)
Nginx configuration as a reverse proxy for the read/write servers
Read side server testing
Write side server testing
TODO Fill the list
These are some of online resources we use to learn and take inspiration from: