A WebdriverIO service that manages tunnel and job metadata for LambdaTest users.
npm i wdio-lambdatest-service --save-dev
Instructions on how to install WebdriverIO
can be found here.
WebdriverIO has LambdaTest support out of the box. You should simply set user
and key
in your wdio.conf.js
file. To enable the feature for app automation, set product: 'appAutomation'
in your wdio.conf.js
file. This service plugin provides supports for LambdaTest Tunnel. Set tunnel: true
also to activate this feature.
// wdio.conf.js
exports.config = {
// ...
user: process.env.LT_USERNAME,
key: process.env.LT_ACCESS_KEY,
logFile : './logDir/api.log',
product : 'appAutomation',
services: [
['lambdatest', {
tunnel: true
// ...
To get test error remarks on automation dashboard, simply add ltErrorRemark: true
in your wdio.conf.js
Upload android
or ios
apps from local or hosted app url by adding this required configuration in your wdio.conf.js
. To use the uploaded app for testing along in the same run set enableCapability = true
, this will set the app url value in the capabilities.
// wdio.conf.js
services: [
tunnel: true,
app_upload: true,
app_name : "xyz", //provide your desired app name
app_path : "/path/to/your/app/file", //provide the local app location
// or
app_url : "https://example.test_android.apk", //provide the url where your app is horsted or stored
custom_id : "12345", //provide your desired custom id
enableCapability : true
In order to authorize to the LambdaTest service your config needs to contain a user
and key
Set this to true to enable routing connections from LambdaTest cloud through your computer. You will also need to set tunnel
to true in browser capabilities.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Specified optional will be passed down to LambdaTest Tunnel.
Type: Object
Default: {}
Given below is an comprehensive list of all options available:
Specifies the custom LambdaTest Tunnel name to be used.
{"tunnelName": "my_custom_tunnel"}
Port for LambdaTest Tunnel to activate.
{"port": 33000}
LambdaTest username.
{"user": "your_username"}
LambdaTest accessKey.
{"key": "your_access_key"}
Should every proxy request be logged to stdout.
{"verbose": true}
Location of the LambdaTest Tunnel log file.
{"logFile": "/path/to/log/file"}
Path of the config file to use. Example:
{"config": "/path/to/config/file"}
Specify the local directory that will be served by a file server on Tunnel port.
{"dir": "/path/to/local/directory"}
Specifies the Tunnel proxy port hostname.
{"proxyHost": "proxy.example.com"}
Specifies the Tunnel proxy port username.
{"proxyUser": "your_proxy_username"}
Specifies the Tunnel proxy port password.
{"proxyPass": "your_proxy_password"}
Specifies the port number where Tunnel proxy will activate.
{"proxyPort": 8080}
Uses proxy settings only for outbound requests.
{"egressOnly": true}
Routes only incoming traffic via the proxy specified.
{"ingressOnly": true}
To use PAC (Proxy Auto-Configuration) in local testing, provide path of a PAC file.
{"pacfile": "/path/to/pacfile"}
Activates Load Balancing for LambdaTest Tunnel.
{"loadBalanced": true}
Specifies in which mode tunnel should run "ssh" or "ws". (default "ssh").
{"mode": "ssh"}
Specify type of ssh connection (over_22, over_443, over_ws). To use –sshConnType, specify ––mode ssh flag first.
{"sshConnType": "over_22"}
Increase the SSH connection from Tunnel Client to Tunnel Server. Maximum allowed value is 30.
{"maxSSHConnections": 2}
Sharing Tunnel among team members.
{"sharedTunnel": true}
The environment on which the LambdaTest Tunnel will run.
{"env": "production"}
Exposes Tunnel Info API at the specified port.
{"infoAPIPort": 8080}
Callback URL for tunnel status.
{"callbackURL": "https://example.com/callback"}
Comma separated list of hosts to route via tunnel. Everything else will be routed via Internet.
{"allowHosts": "example.com,anotherexample.com"}
Comma separated list of hosts to bypass from tunnel. These will be routed via internet.
{"bypassHosts": "example.com,anotherexample.com"}
mTLS Client Certificate filepath.
{"clientCert": "/path/to/client_certificate"}
mTLS Client Key filepath.
{"clientKey": "/path/to/client_key"}
Comma separated list of mTLS hosts.
{"mTLSHosts": "example.com,anotherexample.com"}
Comma separated list of DNS Servers.
{"dns": ","}
Enable the MITM (Man-in-the-middle) mode for LambdaTest Tunnel.
{"mitm": true}
To use Microsoft NTLM (Windows NT LAN Manager) authentication for communication or transport purposes.
{"ntlm": true}
Path of pidfile, where process Id will be written.
{"pidfile": "/path/to/pidfile"}
Sets remote address to an internal IP of client machine.
{"usePrivateIp": true}
You can find more about these options here.
Cucumber only. Set the session name to the Scenario name if only a single Scenario ran. Useful when running in parallel with wdio-cucumber-parallel-execution.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Customize the session name format.
Type: Function
Default (Cucumber/Jasmine): (config, capabilities, suiteTitle) => suiteTitle
Default (Mocha): (config, capabilities, suiteTitle, testTitle) => suiteTitle + ' - ' + testTitle
Mocha only. Do not append the test title to the session name.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Mocha only. Prepend the top level suite title to the session name.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Automatically set the session name.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Automatically set the session status (passed/failed).
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Ignore the count of retries of a test in the name
Type: Boolean
Default: false
To get test names as scenario names for cucumber specific tests, simply add useScenarioName: true
in your wdio.conf.js
- git clone this repository.
- run "npm install"
- run "npm run build"
- Steps to Publish: run "npm login"
- run "npm publish --access public"
For more information on WebdriverIO see the homepage.