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BetterMiuiExpress is an Xposed module that prevents express details to be showed in third-party apps such as Taobao, CaiNiao, etc. and shows a custom activity to display the details.
MIUI based on Android 7.0 or above (Tested on Mi 11 Ultra with MIUI 12.5.11 based on Android 11).
MIUI Personal Assistant (智能助理) app installed
The following instructions are based on LSPosed.
- Make sure that your device has installer LSPosed or other Xposed-compatible frameworks
- Download this module from CoolApk or compile by yourself
- Enable this module and check MIUI Personal Assistant as the scope. You may unchecked the System Apps option in the menu to find it
- Kill the MIUI Personal Assistant apps manually in LSPosed or Settings
- Swipe to MIUI Personal Assistant from the launcher. Now clicking the express items will not lead to jumping to third-party apps
- Starting from 1.1.0, you can view the latest express detail in launcher
- Starting from 1.2.0, this module supports the latest Personal Assistant
You may need a code (取件码) to get your express from CaiNiao post house. Click the menu in express details activity and you will find an option to jump to third-apps manually.
You can submit issues or make merge requests to contribute. But do not submit meaningless issues, or they will be deleted.
BetterMiuiExpress is licensed under the GPLv3. For details, check the license in the repository.