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This is the source repository for an LDaCA based website


  • Hugo (extended version, required for custom css)
    • MacOS: Installing it with brew automatically gets you the extended version
    • Windows: Installing it with package managers: Check that you have installed it with extended version more
    • Linux: With package managers will come with the extended version more
    • Source: From source you will require to install Go
  • What hugo version do you have?
    • Run: hugo version example: hugo v0.110.0+extended darwin/arm64 BuildDate=unknown
  • Git:
    • This is a nice guide for you to install git if you do not already have it

How to use

  • Clone the repository
  • Change directory into the repository
  • And add the submodule (Will update .gitmodules file)
    • Install git submodule add themes/LoveIt
    • or update git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Run hugo serve
    • This will rebuild your website upon file changes and be available on http://localhost:1313/ if the port 1313 is free
    • Optionaly run hugo serve --disableFastRender which enables full re-renders on changes. This is turned off by default and the website might look different. See more.
  • To see what your website really looks like generate a public folder
    • Delete the public folder if you have one then
    • Run hugo
    • Then change directory into public and run a web server: for example python3 -m http.server 8000 with python and go to http://localhost:8000/ to see what it looks like.


git clone
cd ldaca-website
git submodule update --init --recursive
hugo serve --disableFastRender

Git SubModule

Adding the submodule in the step before is required to install the theme used in this Hugo site

The current theme used is called LoveIt based on LeaveIt and KeepIt it has about 2.7K stars and it is updated frequently


Configuring the website is using the config.toml file and assets/css/_custom.scss file

The file should be self documented. See config.toml; you should document as you go.

Front Matter

You can specify more metadata for each page you include and it will affect how the page behaves.


Add a table of contents by adding the following into each page.

    enable: true
    auto: true

And all your refs like:

## This is a #ref on a page

will have a contents dropdown on the page


Add timestamps and title to your page

title: "Resources"
date: 2022-02-15T17:13:28+10:00
draft: false

A title will be added to the top of the page and dates could be used if you are using branch page bundle with links to its pages.


Preconfigured front matter metadata that are used when doing hugo new

Empty front matter

Sometimes you need to add an empty front matter in order to use some shortcodes, although as a general rule. Always add front matter metadata to your markdown page

For more examples see: LoveIt#front-matter or Hugo Front Matter

Adding Content

All content is stored in content folder.

It can be organised using

  • Branch or Leaf styles

You can organise the content by Leaf bundle which means it has no children

  • Index filename:
  • Allowed Resources: Page and non-page (like images, PDF, etc.) types
  • Where can you put it: At any directory level within the leaf bundle directory.
  • Layout type: single
  • Nesting: Does not allow nesting of more bundles under it


You can organise the content bu Branch which will have a collection of attachments and content, this will be organised as a List If you use list you and include an file in your folder for the purposes of configuring front matter for the lists. You can ommit the name however this will affect children pages on your site.

  • Index filename:
  • Allowed Resources: Only non-page (like images, PDF, etc.) types
  • Where can you put it: Only in the directory level of the branch bundle directory i.e. the directory containing the
  • Layout type: list
  • Nesting: Allows nesting of leaf or branch bundles under it

Note: When changing from leaf to branch a restart of the hugo server is required.

Note Content should be organized in a manner that reflects the rendered website.

Note The top levels (i.e. content/) are special in Hugo and are considered the content type used to determine layouts

This information is copied from here


  1. Using page resources in page bundles. You can reference page resources by the value for Resources.GetMatch or the filepath of the resource relative to the page directory directly.
  2. Store resources in the assets directory, which is /assets by default. The filepath of the resource to reference in the post is relative to the assets directory.
  3. Store resources in the static directory, which is /static by default. The filepath of the resource to reference in the post is relative to the static directory.


You can add images as shortcodes example:

{{< image src="/AcknowledgeARDC.png" height=200 >}}

Shortcodes will include its theme's css


Or as raw html, then you can include a class you can define in assets/css/_custom.scss

{{< raw >}}
<img src="./ausnc-logo_250px.png" title="AusNC Logo" height=auto class="home_image"/>
{{< /raw >}}

Custom CSS

Use the assets/css/_custom.scss file to alter the default style of the theme

Example: Align the title of the text to the left. Sometimes is necessary to use !important sice the style sheet will cascade with other value currently used in the theme.

.single-title {
    text-align: left !important;


To insert raw html use in each page:

{{< raw >}}
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
{{< /raw >}}

More JavaScript

To add a javascript file either add it in assets or in the conf.toml

Example Twitter Timeline:

        twitterWidgets = ""

It will then be available for any page


Blog posts are organised as folders for better access of its resources the same as in content.

If you organise your page bundle as a single page

Include a folder:

/posts/post-number-1/ will have the markdown image1.png some image file.pdf some file

In each folder your single page will have access to the resources relative to its location, example:

![alt text](image1.png "Some Alternative text shown below the image")
[Download File](file.pdf)

Data Folder

The data folder can be used to generate data driven content




Layouts are used to replace current theme behaviour. There is only one file changed in the theme and that is the 404 page which includes an image that can be provided via configuration

It is best to use layouts as little as possible because when the Themes are updated it would become very hard to mantain and update Hugo and the themes.


  • Try only to modify the content folder and install all of the images/files in each page bundle.
  • Document as you go by editing the config.toml file and delete configurations that are not used
  • If you cannot achieve the style you required try to modify first the assets/css/_custom.scss first before adding a new layout
  • Your content should be organized in a manner that reflects the rendered website. more
  • When switching from page bundle types, stop hugo serve and start again to see changes reflected becuase the live reload does not capture this.
  • Build your site using hugo and test it with a basic http server


  • Twitter timeline sometimes is not being picked up by the hot-reloading. Test it with a static site/server


Documentation for LDaCA apps e.g. help pages for Oni






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