This is a demonstration of generic linked list
It will not be maintaining in the future
- Create a linked list quickly and easily
- Multiple different variable types can be placed in a linked list
#include "Linkinglistc.h"
int main()
DualWay* head = create_list();// <-- Create The Linked List
head = menu(head);// <-- Test Function < Create And print the value
//free the list
DualWay* temp = head;
head = hand->next;
return 0;
- create a head with a head node
DualWay* create_list()
- calculate the length of the linked list
int list_length(DualWay* head)
- print all data from the linked list
void print_all(DualWay* head)
- get the data from the specific index
DualWay* GOTO_Index(DualWay* head,int index)
- add node to the linked list
DualWay* add_node(DualWay* current, char side)
- delete node from the linkled list
DualWay* delete_node(DualWay* head, DualWay* target)
- modify the data in the linked-list
void modify_data(DualWay* node, DataType type)
- demo the menu of the linked list function
DualWay* menu(DualWay* head)