Based on the Intel's example. Publish the image from the frontal camera in a ROS topic.
mkdir -p ~/Workspace/src
cd ~/Workspace/src
git clone
cd ~/Workspace
source ~/Workspace/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch intel_aero_frontal_camera_ros_driver frontal_camera.launch
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/front_cam
You will see the image from the frontal camera, the image has a poor contrast and light.
I have tried to improve it, but I wasn't successfull. I have made some parameters that you can change in the launch file in order to improve the brightness. Set correction_brightness to true if you want a correction. Try different gamma, doesn't go over 1.
<param name="correction_brightness" value="false"/>
<param name="gamma" value="0.4"/>
- Improve the brightness by setting properly the driver. The camera is not fully compatible with V4L2...