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A Python program for aligning CRISPR-edited RNA-seq data. Written by Alexandre Yahi.


To install, run the following command

python install

Please note, to install system-wide, you must have sudo access. If you are not installing system-wide, please install within your $PATH and $PYTHONPATH.


EdiTyper is compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.3+; it also depends on the following Python modules:

Each of these modules is available on PyPi and installable using pip

EdiTyper also depends on R and Rscript for plotting. If R is not installed, then plots will be suppressed. EdiTyper will still run, assuming at least one other output (see Suppression Arguments).

Basic Usage

To get a basic help message, simply run


The minimal arguments needed to run are -r | --reference-sequence, -t | --template-sequence, and one of the following: -i | --input file, -l | --sample-list, or -d | --fastq-directory

EdiTyper -r reference.fasta -t template.fasta -i sample.fastq

Classification scheme

We classify the unique reads based on their alignment with the reference. HDR are reads with the right SNP edited to the target SNP as identified in the template sequence, and no deletion and no insertions but tolerate mismatches. If there are insertions or deletions then the read is classified as MIX, which is a HDR with indels. If the SNP of interest is not edited and there are no indels, then the read is unchanged (NO_EDIT). Otherwise, the read is a NHEJ.



Alignment Arguments

Parameter Definition Required? Default
-m | --analysis-mode Set which mismatch between the reference and template sequences gets analyzed (SNP) and which are treated as NHEJ (PAM). Specified as a 'SNP' and a series 'PAM's separated by '+' characters (eg. SNP+PAM, PAM+SNP) No SNP
-p | --pvalue-threshold Set the threshold for the alignment No 1 *10-3
-g | --gap-opening Set the gap opening penalty No 8
-e | --gap-extension Set the gap extension penalty No 1
--parallel Run EdiTyper in parallel, supports optional argumen to limit number of cores, otherwise uses all cores No None

Reference Arguments

Parameter Definition Required?
-r | --reference-sequence Reference FASTA for alignment Yes
-t | --template-sequence Template sequence for editing Yes
-b | --reference-bed A BED file with the genomic location of the reference sequence. Used to get the chromosome name and sequence start point. Only the first entry will be read; any line starting with 'browser', 'track' or '#' will be ignored. Please ensure this is a zero- based BED file No

Input Arguments

NOTE: These arguments are mutually exclusive

NOTE: At least one of these arguments is required

Parameter Definition
-i | --input-file Provide a FASTQ file for aligning, this option can have multiple FASTQs specified
-l | --sample-list Provide a list of FASTQ files for aligning; there should be one FASTQ per line
-d | --fastq-directory Provide a directory where FASTQ files are located; files must end in .fastq or .fq (.gz is allowed afterwards)

Output Arguments

NOTE: All of these arguments are optional
Parameter Definition Default
-d | --output-directory Choose where to put all output files 'output'
-j | --project Give this project a name, will be used as the basename for batch output files (summary, quality plot, etc) 'edityper'
--bam Convert SAM files to BAM files, optionally use CSI indices instead of BAI indices with --bam csi; requires SAMtools None

Read Group Arguments

NOTE: Information provided will be applied to all read groups in all FASTQ files

NOTE: All of these arguments are optional and will only be used if SAM/BAM output is not suppressed

Parameter Definition Default
-rc | --read-center Name of the sequencing center None
-rl | --read-library Sequencing library None
-rp | --read-platform Platform used for sequencing None
-rs | --read-sample Sample being sequenced None

Suppression Arguments

NOTE: Once cannot suppress all output
Parameter Definition
--suppress-sam Suppress SAM output
--suppress-events Suppress events table output
--suppress-classification Suppress read classification output
--suppress-tables Suppress both events and read classification
--suppress-plots Suppress locus and quality tables and plots

Output Files

For each output table, all lines starting with # are header lines. All lines starting with ## are extra information. See details below for specifics about each output.

Output file Extension
Alignments in SAM/BAM format .sam | .bam
Table of events by base .events.txt
Classification of reads in tabular format .classification.txt
Locus events table and plots _locus.txt and _locus.pdf
Quality scores table and plots _quality.txt and _quality.pdf
Summary of read classifications per input FASTQ file .summary.txt
Read assignments table .assignments.txt

SAM/BAM Output

SAM alignments are standard SAM files. They have been presorted in coordinate order with read groups attached. If BAM output, BAM indices will also be output in either BAI or CSI format. For more details, see SAM/BAM format specification from HTSlib.

Events Table

The .events.txt table shows a locus-by-locus overview of indels and mismatches in each FASTQ file. One table is generated per FASTQ file.

Column Meaning
POS Position in reference sequence
REF Nucleotide in reference sequence at this position
COV Coverage in FASTQ at position
DEL Number of deletions starting at this position
AVG_DEL Average length of deletions starting at this position
DCOUNT Number of times this position is deleted
INS Number of insertions starting at this position
AVG_INS Average length of insertions starting at this position
A Count of mismatched A's at this position
T Count of mismatched T's at this position
C Count of mismatched C's at this position
G Count of mismatched G's at this position

Read Classifications

The .classifications.txt table shows a breakdown of indels and mismatches per read category. One table is generated per FASTQ file. The read categories are HDR, MIX, NHEJ, NO_EDIT, and DISCARD.

Column Meaning
TAG Which classification category; one of HDR, MIX, NHEJ, NO_EDIT, or DISCARD
COUNT How many reads fall in this classification category?
PERC_COUNT What percentage of reads fall in this classification category; excludes discarded reads from calculation
INS_EVENTS Total number of insertion events; reported for HDR, MIX, and NHEJ only
AVG_INS Average number of insertion events per read; reported for HDR, MIX, and NHEJ only
STD_DEV_INS Standard deviation of the distribution of insertions; reported for HDR, MIX, and NHEJ only
DEL_EVENTS Total number of deletion events; reported for HDR, MIX, and NHEJ only
AVG_DEL Average number of deletion events per read; reported for HDR, MIX, NHEJ only
STD_DEV_DEL Standard deviation of the distribution of deletions; reported for HDR, MIX, and NHEJ only
MISMATCH_EVENTS Total number of mismatch events; reported for HDR, MIX, and NHEJ only
AVG_MIS Average number of mismatch events per read; reported for HDR, MIX, and NHEJ only
STD_DEV_MIS Standard deviation of the distribution of mismatches; reported for HDR, MIX, and NHEJ only
NO_INDELS Number of reads with no indels; reported for HDR and MIX only
PERC_NO_INDELS Percentage of reads with no indels; reported for HDR and MIX only
INS_ONLY Number of reads with with only insertions; reported for HDR and MIX only
PERC_INS_ONLY Percentage of reads with only insertions; reported for HDR and MIX only
DEL_ONLY Number of reads with only deletions;
PERC_DEL_ONLY Percentage of reads with only deletions; reported for HDR and MIX only
INDELS Number of reads with both insertions and deletions; reported for HDR and MIX only
PERC_INDELS Percentage of reads with both insertions and deletions; reported for HDR and MIX only

Summary Table

The .summary.txt table shows total reads, unique reads, discarded reads, SNP information, no editing, HDR, NHEJ, and mismatch percentages by base. One table is generated for all FASTQ files.

Column Meaning
FASTQ Name of FASTQ file
TOTAL_READS Total number of reads in this FASTQ file
TOTAL_NON_DISC Total number of reads in this FASTQ file, excluding discarded reads
UNIQ_READS Total number of unique, non-discarded reads
DISCARDED Number of discarded reads
SNP_POS SNP position
REF_STATE Reference state
TEMP_SNP Alternate state
NO_EDIT Number of non-edited reads
PERC_NO_EDIT Percentage of reads classified as not edited, excluding discarded reads
HDR Number of clean HDR reads
PERC_HDR Percentage of reads classified as HDR, excluding discarded reads
MIX Number of MIX reads
PERC_MIX Percentage of reads classified as MIX, excluding discarded reads
NHEJ Number of NHEJ reads
PERC_NHEJ Percentage of reads classified as NHEJ, excluding discarded reads
PERC_MIS_A Percentage of mismatches with an A compared to total number of mismatches
PERC_MIS_T Percentage of mismatches with an T compared to total number of mismatches
PERC_MIS_C Percentage of mismatches with an C compared to total number of mismatches
PERC_MIS_G Percentage of mismatches with an G compared to total number of mismatches

Assignments Table

The .assignments.txt table shows how each read was classified as well as the number of insertions, deletions, and mismatches for each read. One table is generated per FASTQ. This table is only generated when verbosity is set to 'debug' (-v debug | --verbosty debug) and --suppress-tables is not passed.

Column Meaning
ReadID Read ID from the FASTQ file
Label Classification assigned to this read
NumDel Number of deletions in this read
NumIns Number of insertions in this read
NumMis Number of mismatches in this read

Locus Events Table and Plot

The locus plot shows events at each base along the reference and the number of supporting reads for each event (insertions, deletions, and mismatches). One PDF is generated per FASTQ file. The first page is scaled to total number of reads in the FASTQ file and shows all events, while the remaining pages show a specific event and are scaled to maximum number of supporting reads for that event. Coverage at each base is also shown.

The locus events table is used to generate the locus plot and is designed to be read into R. It has four columns, Insertions, Deletions, Mismatches, and Coverage, with the counts of each read for a given event. Each row is a position relative to the reference sequence.

Quality Scores Table and Plot

The quality plot shows the distribution of alignment quality scores. One PDF is generated for all FASTQ files. The quality-score threshold for discarding reads is shown as a black bar.

The quality scores table is used to generate the quality plot and is designed to be read into R. Each row is a FASTQ and each column is an alignment quality score for a read within the FASTQ file. There are N columns, where N is the maximum number of reads across all FASTQ files. FASTQs with fewer than N reads have NaNs to fill the rows.


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