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1.3 Installation on Linux

Claudio Prezzi edited this page Nov 13, 2023 · 3 revisions

Instructions written by SidSkiba. Thanks!

For installing LaserWeb on Linux, the following process should work (tested with Linux Mint V21.2 Cinnamon Edition):

Open the terminal window and enter:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install npm

You can verify that npm and node are installed then by entering the following:

npm -v 
node -v 

The following were the version numbers returned at the time of this writing:

npm - 8.5.1
node - 12.22.9

Then install Chromium by entering:

sudo apt install chromium

Install git:

sudo apt install git

Clone and build the latest lw.comm-server:

cd /usr/local
sudo git clone
cd lw.comm-server
sudo npm audit fix
sudo npm install 

You can then test that the sever is working with:

node server

Type CTRL-C to stop the server:

Then create a bash script for launchng the server and the browser:

sudo nano

Copy and paste or type the following into the nano editor. Note that this script can be used with Chromium (recommended) or Firefox by uncommenting the correct line:


# Start the Node.js server in the background
node /usr/local/lw.comm-server/server &

# Store the PID of the last background command (Node.js server)

# Uncomment the next line to launch Chromium browser pointing to localhost:8000
chromium --app=http://localhost:8000/ --start-maximized
# Uncomment the next line to launch Firefox browser pointing to localhost:8000
#firefox -new-window http://localhost:8000/

# Terminate the Node.js server
kill $server_pid

Type CTRL-O then CTRL-X to save the script and exit nano editor.

Then make the script executable and change the owner to your username (replace all the "doug" below with your own Linux username):

sudo chmod u+x
sudo chown doug:doug
sudo usermod -a -G dialout doug

You should be able to launch LaserWeb fro the terminal then by entering:


You are ok to close the terminal if everything worked.

You then can add an icon to your desktop by right clicking on the desktop and picking "Create a new launcher here" from the context menu.

For name use: LaserWeb4 For command use: /usr/local/lw.comm-server/

If you want to change the desktop icon there is one included in usr/local/lw.comm-server/build/ folder.