Build and run the project, a command input field '>' shoud appear on the terminal. Input a command and see what happens!
$ > create database myDb
$ > select database myDb
$ [myDb] > create table example
$ [myDb] > put example "hello" "world"
$ [myDb] > get example "hello"
$ == world
$ [myDb] > exit
This is a very basic implementation of a log-based key-value store. Many aspects of this codebase still need a lot of work!
For a more updated list of commands, you can look at the source. Specifically everything in the eval package.
- database <name>
- [database] [create] table <name>
- database <name>
- [database] [delete] table <name>
- database <name>
[database] put <table> "<key>" "<value>"
[database] get <table> "<key>"
[database] remove <table> "<key>"
NOTE: " can be escaped (\")
Any feedback, on anything, is always appreciated.
$ cd LJBD/
$ make
Planned updates:
- overall improvements to the IO operations
- socket API
- rollbacks
- snapshots
- log compaction
- presistent indeces (maybe SStables)